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With a heavy sigh of annoyance, he trudged across the dimly lit room. The stale smell of dust and disinfectant filled his sensitive nostrils, creating an atmosphere that felt suffocating and claustrophobic. The worn-out wall, designated as the makeshift measurement station, stood as a silent witness to the countless prior encounters with criminals who had walked these same steps.

The surface of the wall, marred by scratches and faded pencil marks, told stories of past struggles and shattered lives. It was a canvas that bore the weight of the system's history, marking the heights of those who had come before him.

His gaze shifted across the orderly rows of numbers and lines, a visual record of the offenders who had stood where he stood now. The mark for 5'7" stood out prominently at eye level, a cruel reminder of his own height, which seemed insignificant compared to the towering walls of injustice that surrounded him. Frustration welled up within him and his brows furrowed, deepening the scowl etched on his face.

The harsh fluorescent lighting overhead cast unflattering shadows, accentuating the weariness etched into the lines of his face. His eyes, once filled with a youthful spark, now held a mix of resignation and defiance, reflecting the tumultuous journey he had been forced to embark upon.

Reluctantly, he lifted the small whiteboard adorned with his personal information. In bold block lettering, his full name was displayed, starkly contrasting against the sterile backdrop as if asserting his existence in the face of adversity.

[Logan. M. Garfield.]

As the camera's shutter clicked, freezing this moment in time, he couldn't help but feel a surge of bitterness and disbelief at the chain of events that had led him here. The chaos and confusion that surrounded his arrest swirled in his mind, leaving him grappling with unanswered questions and a sense of profound injustice.

Escorted by a guard, his footsteps echoed in the hallway as they made their way towards the holding cell. His mind raced with thoughts of his innocence and the cruel twists of fate that had landed him in this desolate place.

As they arrived at the holding cell, the guard, lacking any trace of empathy, mechanically released the tight cuffs with practiced efficiency, and with a clear absence of compassion, forcefully pushed the hero into the dimly lit cell.

"Hey, easy!" Garfield shouted as he stopped himself from stumbling to the ground.

The guard rolled his eyes before slamming the door shut with an echoing thud and strutting away, leaving Garfield to his own devices. He rubbed his sore wrists, massaging the marks left behind by the tight cuffs. That was when he raised his gaze and locked eyes with the other inmates occupying the damp cell.

Garfield stood there, his body confined within the cramped space of the cold cell, the physical embodiment of his wrongful conviction. The air seemed to thicken with an oppressive gloom, wrapping around him like a suffocating shroud as he grappled with the harsh reality of his confinement. A surge of emotions flooded his mind—anger at the injustice, confusion about how he ended up here, and a burning determination to fight for his truth and reclaim his freedom.

The cell itself served as a stark symbol of his current predicament. Dampness permeated the air, clinging to the walls and floor as if mirroring the dampening of his spirit. The room's cold, unforgiving walls seemed to close in on him, amplifying the feelings of isolation and uncertainty that consumed him. Every inch of the cell, devoid of comfort or solace, accentuated the harshness of his circumstances.

Within the confines of the cell, Garfield's attention was drawn to the diverse array of expressions worn by his fellow prisoners. Some exuded an air of menace, cracking their knuckles with an intimidating glare, suggesting a history of violence and a readiness to exert dominance. Others displayed a twisted sense of camaraderie, their dark humor manifesting in mocking gestures and blown kisses, concealing their true intentions beneath a facade of friendliness. A knot formed in the pit of Garfield's stomach as he grappled with the unsettling question of who presented a greater threat—the overtly aggressive or the subtly deceptive.

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