Your Just Perfection to Me Part 3

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Well now I really need to hug you. I would tell you,but ill think i'll just wait. You are really the only thing that keeps me up at night. You really mean the world to me. I really would do anything for you because I care about you so much more then you really think. I don't understand how he doesn't notice that I'm everything he wants. Except that I'm not skinny or pretty but everything else I have. A nice heart,caring, and loving. He doesn't realize that their are two very important girls in his life. One that is fake.... And one that is real.(me) The fake just uses him for everything he has while I on the other hand doesn't asks him for anything. I actually really care about him unlike the other one. I want him to notice me as me not as someone I'm not. But I also want him to be happy. On the outside it doesn't hurt me but on the inside it feels like someone has stabbed my heart and ripped it into pieces. She also is very fake. He doesn't see what really their is to here he only see what he wants to see. At the end I'm hurting but she's not. He either can have me or her but I know he would pick her any day instead of me but one can only dream.!

(This is kinda made up to and no it's no one in general)

Authors note

Hi sorry I haven't been updating I know no one reads this thing but I like writing and btw I used some of Mary's words in here Thanks.!!!


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