The Prophecy of the Storm

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Before the storm, there will be a hint.

Before the storm, everyone will get hit.

The dragonet of royalty that comes from the Hive

Will be the one to help you survive.

At the start of the storm, dragons will die.

At the start of the storm, no time will fly.

The dragonet of magic that comes from the Wood

Will return the peace and return the good.

Near the end of the storm, blood will cover the ground.

Near the end of the storm, a new power will be found.

The dragonet of vengeance that comes from the Leaves

Will meet someone else who will change what he believes.

After the storm, the land will be burned.

After the storm, a queen will get something she never earned.

The dragonet of hope that comes from the Sea

Will be the one to set everyone free.

Before the storm, there will be a hint.

Before the storm, everyone will get hit.

At the start of the storm, dragons will die.

At the start of the storm, no time will fly.

Near the end of the storm, blood will cover the ground.

Near the end of the storm, a new power will be found.

After the storm, the land will be burned.

After the storm, the queen will get something she never earned.

The Hive, the Wood, the Leaves, the Sea

Have no idea of what they will be.

Before, during, and after the storm

The new heroes and darkness will be born.

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