This Is How We Do

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November 25th 2007 - Exactly two months after the release of So Wrong, It's Right.

"So Jack, who was that girl you were with last night?" Alex asked as he slumped on the couch next to where I was sat. He played with his scruffy blonde hair as he waited for me to answer.

"Erm... I think her name was, Angel?" I said putting my feet on the table in front of me.

"Dude, are you asking me or telling me?" Alex joked. Alex had been my best friend for years. We met in 8th grade and bonded over are mutual love of music.

"Jack, you should slow down with the crazy girls, who knows what you will catch, or give to someone else. Wasn't it only last week you were sleeping with a girl called Taylor?" Rian laughed, joining in the conversation. Me and Alex met Rian in our freshman year, he went to the same high school as us.

"I don't know what you guys are laughing at, at least I get some on a regular basis." I laughed.

"I get some regularly too, you're not the only one who has fun" Alex laughed. "Boys, raise your glasses to having sex" I laughed picking up the glass of water next to me.

Myself, Alex, Rian and our friend Zack, who we also met in our freshman year but he went to a different school, made up a band called All Time Low. We had just released our new album two months ago and we were on tour supporting it. It had been a pretty crazy few months and the guys were right, I liked the ladies and I didn't really care what their names were as long as they were of age and were good in bed. I don't think I'm a bad person for liking a casual fuck every now and again. I've never been the type of person who liked the whole girlfriend thing, It's too much hassle and drama I don't need in my life.

"How's Lisa?" I asked Alex, trying to change the subject. Alex had been with his girlfriend Lisa since 2004 but they have an open relationship which I personally don't see working out.

"I don't know, It's weird. She keeps talking shit about me to all of her friends but I haven't really spoken to her in while, I'm kinda avoiding her." Alex said looking uncomfortable.

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