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Flames of fire errupted in the Greywood territory.The green grass turned red, dead bodies lying on the ground. Kids screaming for their parents and the elders fighting for their lives.
The peaceful day turned into a horror as the vampires started attacking the Greywood territory, the largest werewolf region.This shouldn't be a big deal if it occurred a decade before. Back then when both werewolves and vampires were always at neck of each other attacking and destroying territories so that they can enjoy the power but soon both parties released having war only weakend their power.All their armies and weapons always ended in vain.The war was just a means to satisfy their egos. So both vampires and werewolves signed a peace treaty, joining hands to work with cooperation and combinely be on the top among the rest creatures.
Since from that day, both territories expanded their regions and became even stronger.
All the rest creatures worked under them.Every one had a ranking,which displayed the power they hold. Every lower ranker had to respect everyone above them. While vampires and werewolves were on the top,followed by shape shifters.On the bottom were always humans. They didn't had any authority.They were treated no less than a object. Only work they had was to serve their masters.
Be a slave,cleaner,errand boy or
a toy to satisfy their sexual needs or a medician.The medicians were respected but that was a tough job not all could become one.They needed immense knowledge and thinking.They need to earn the trust from their masters. They worked to discover more medicines which could enhace their master's power.There was no place of mistakes.Making mistakes means craving for death sentences.They were publicly executed for making any mistakes.Hence,Among all these jobs humans worked harder to be their personal sex toys, only in a hope that they could win their hearts and be their soulmates. But that was far from reality. They were nothing but objects and you don't fall in love with them. You just get attached,enjoy and then discard. That was what happened to the sex slaves. But still they were comparatively treated well. They were given good food, clothes and proper room.All they had to focus was on their body and face so that they can always satisfy their masters and enjoy their privileges. The rest of humans had a tough life. They were paid below the amount they worked.No proper food, living in destroyed buildings with roof leaking, walls covered with algae. But that was all they could afford.Having a roof was a big deal.

So every creature tried their best to impress their masters. Masters are the werewolves and the vampires.Though they hated each other but they were also wise enough to know that fighting with each other may give chance for other creatures to become stronger so they joined hands.
They still dont work together.The thing is they don't start wars with each other and live their lifes without any interference from other party. Everything was going fine until the vampire started the war and then again causing war against werewolves that too without notice was a clear indication of power resting solely in the hands of vampires.
The vampires ruthlessly teared every werewolf they encountered. It took time for the werewolves to act. They werent armed nor prepared for the war.Giving vampires an edge to destroy them even easily.

The vampire King, Salmon Treniz. The cold hearted beast who ordered the war,who was killing every innocent life he encountered while making his way to the Alpha King,Travis Scott.

The Alpha king who was ordering his beta and council members to protect the future of the pack children,was cut short with a thud making the doors fly to the opposite. Their stood the mighty Vampire King eyes turning red with rage and hatred,Clenching jaws and making every council to shiver with fear who circled their King,Scott.The power he is radiating made every one in the room count the few seconds of life they had. The Beta who marched to attack the Vampire was now laying on the ground. Blood polling from his neck.It all happened in few seconds that they couldnt even see what has exactly happened.They weren't brave enough to approach the vampire who was so blinded by anger that he could kill without thinking a second. But they can't wait and see their king dieing. They had to protect their king even for the mere minutes. Cause everyone in the room knew no one is going to survive.
Then echoed the roar from the Vampire.Leavee!!If you want to live.All the werewolves wanted to submit. The power the voice holds was so commanding that they couldn't even protest. But they have to. Their loyalty lies with the Alpha king.But they were shocked when their King approved the vampire decision and asked everyone to leave them alone. This was unusual of the Alpha behavior. He was a cunning man. He could do anything he ensure his safety.
But then all of them were mindlinked, the Alpha ordering their council to exit only to hold the vampire from the back and stab him with the knife that was lying on the table just a few steps behind the vampire.
The council weren't shocked. This was all the Alpha was known for.Having a wicked cunning mind and attacking the enemy when he is relaxed.

As soon as council of member grabbed the knife. The vampire moved and now he is in front of the Alpha king. The sudden movement made the Alpha jolt and he stumbled.
The ferocious Vampire growled "Even in your last minutes all u want to do is backstab.Fucking liar." Before the vampire could lodge onto Alpha he was attacked by the council. Rage filled his body. Blinded by anger, the vampire killed every council within minutes. Generally it would have taken a lot of time. But right now the vampire is fuelled with rage and all he want  to do is rip every soul to control his anger.
He marched towards the Alpha who knew he couldn't survive the wrath.
He spitted out "U betrayed us. Salmon.I wish someone does the same to you."
The vampire lifted the Alpha digging his nails on his neck blood spilling out.

And he spat "Those words don't suit u Scott. U got what u deserved.This would be lesson not to mess with my territory ever again" And with that he killed the Alpha.

He made his way to his army. Dead bodies lying all around.Blood flowing as if it was a river.
His left arm command approacbed and said "Majesty.We had almost ended the territory.We killed everyone who came across.Only a few children have escaped and we went easy on them. They are innocent. So we could not harm them"

The vampire glared at his second hand "no one is innocent. Kill everyone who catches your eye.Age doesnot matter. I don't want even a single werewolf alive. Rip every one live."

Following the order,army didnot spared anyone.Dead bodies were laying at a faster rate.The vampire alone  killed 50 werewolves,no matter how much they begged or pleaded for their life. The vampire payed no heed. It was foolish of them to think that the vampire will show mercy. He was known to have no emotions.
Seeing people begging made him even powerful.There was no sign of regret or guilt on his face. The only thing his face held was blood. Blood of millions werewolves he slaughtered mercilessly.

After an hour, the whole place went silent.Their wasn't a single werewolf left alive. The vampire ordered to march to their territory. They were on the way when the vampire's leg was caught by someone.

A child who looked  4 years old, sitting on the ground midst all the lifeless bodies lying all around.With his self it was clear indication that he was a werewolf.His enemy.His grip was tight on the vampire's leg. Making the vampire  turn and notice the kid. While the vampire tried to remove himself. He heard the boy saying "Don't go.Please.Dont leave me. "

And that made the vampire still.

/// please let me know what you think of the story.Does the story sound interesting. What do you think about the child. How is he related to the vampire.Comment all your thoughts and any changes u would want me to make.

The next chapters will take long time to publish.This chapter was uploaded to know your opinions regarding the story and the plot.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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