Nice to meet you...

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*This is a high school Au!* One day Quackity was just at his locker like normal when an unfamiliar voice spoke to him.

"Hello!" The voice says. 

"Hi, who are you?" Quackity asks.

"I'm Wilbur, what's your name?" Wilbur asks.

"I'm Quackity, nice to meet you."Quackity says. 

Wilbur and Quackity just talked for a few minutes. They eventually walked to class, but they started talking everyday and even sat together at lunch. They got closer and closer, Wilbur and Quackity were both developing feelings for each other. But they just don't know how to tell each other. Wilbur admired Quackity and thought of him frequently. He loved Quackity, he wanted to kiss him and spend all of his time with him. 

"Quackity? Are you single?" Wilbur asks.

"Yeah? Why?" Quackity asks.  

"I was just wondering." Wilbur says.

"Why were you wondering that?" Quackity asks.

"You know it's kinda sad that you are single." Wilbur says.

"what do you mean by that?" Quackity asks.

"Well someone as pretty as you deserves a good relationship. But it's not just looks it's also your sweet personality." Wilbur confesses.

"Was that... a confession?" Quackity asks.

"Yeah- Sorry..." Wilbur says.

"No, no! don't be sorry! Wilbur I feel the same way!" Quackity confesses.

"Wait really?" Wilbur asks.

"yes, really!" Quackity says.

Wilbur pulls Quackity into a kiss. The kiss lasted a few minutes, but they both didn't want to leave each other. Wilbur hugged Quackity for as long as he could, but eventually Tubbo and Tommy were pulling the two away from each other.   

"Wilbur can we stay at your house for the weekend?" Quackity asks.

"Yeah! Of course you can!" Wilbur says.

"thanks Wilbur!"

"Of course, Ducky!" Wilbur says.


And they finish high school and get married lol. I lost motavation for this chapter and my cousin gave me the inspo sooooo yeah! Hope you enjoyed I guess. Let me know if you want more high school Au. Well just uh give me ideas if you want! <3 

Bye Loves!!! <3

(320 words)

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