Blurb + Info

15 1 0

❝ I love a lot of things. I love the rain, I love tea, I love to sleep, I love food and I love seeing random acts of kindness that prove humanity still exits. There are more things that I love, of course, but I'd rather not waste more time speaking to you. However, even though I love a lot of things, your statement is invalid. Because I don't love you nor will I ever.❞


Started on; June 4th, 2015

Status; On going // probs slow updates until summer

Completed on;

Cover by; @swimmingly


Hi Hello :'')

First off I'd like to thank you for choosing to read this story that is probably going to be the dumbest thing ever written aha or if you've just accidentally clicked on this or you clicked on it but you aren't going to read it, then um I still thank you? k that made no sense plz forget I said that part after aha. Anywayyyyys, if you're deciding to read this, please be aware of the following:

» I am not a professional writer. With that being said, there will probably be tons of grammar and or spelling mistakes. I don't have any problems with anybody pointing those out because comments that point out mistakes are actually helpful and they make it easier for me to locate the error and fix it. When I'm done writing this, I will go back and fix every error (just in case I missed any or didn't see a comment pointing one out.)

» I don't have a schedule for updating as of now because I just don't??? I'll consider one later on if people actually like this and want me to update regularly

» Please do not advertise your story in the comments section because it's rude and there are other stuff for that. If you want me to read your story, INBOX me.

Well that's all I can think of to mention lmao. I'm out.*peace sign*

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