Perfect Princessa

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Note: She/Her pronouns are used.
Warning for Body Dysphoria. (Remember you are beautiful and perfect just the way you are).
Requested by Invisible Bio on

Rex wasn't a man to do things by halves. He took his duties to the republic and the GAR very seriously. He valued the friendships he had and the lives of his brothers above winning the battles he often found himself thrown into the middle of. Although he wasn't interested in the politics of the war, he had found himself with an unexplainable attraction to a certain senator. (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N). At first, it started out as a friendship but soon blossomed into something more. Rex found himself thinking of (Y/N) during his quieter moments on the front lines of war and often wondered what battle she fought in the unwinnable battlefield of the senate.

He discovered another of (Y/N)'s battles when he returned to Coruscant for shore leave, deciding to surprise her with a visit. When he entered (Y/N)'s apartment, using the code she'd so kindly given him. It was as quiet as a tomb, nothing seemed out of the ordinary at first. To the point Rex had convinced himself (Y/N) was at the senate building, preparing for or involved in some sort of debate, no doubt about the war. (Y/N) was a senator after, and a damn good one.

Just as Rex was about to pick up his helmet to leave. He heard (Y/N)'s voice, quieter than normal, no louder than a whisper. Filled with sadness and sounding as if she'd been crying. With little thought, Rex had followed the trail of her soft but hurt-filled voice, forgetting about his helmet. Instead, his focus was on finding (Y/N) and finding out what was causing her to be so sad and distressed. Rex's immediate thoughts had something to do with politics, it wasn't unusual for (Y/N) to be strong in front of her colleagues but show her true feelings on something in the privacy of her own home.

When Rex reached the refresher door, he could hear (Y/N) voice far more clearly, hearing her words. She was talking to themselves, critiquing something, and calling herself stupid. Almost instantly Rex felt the urge to walk inside and reassure her, she wasn't stupid, she'd done their best. He'd believed it was about a political debate. So was surprised when her words truly hit him.

(Y/N) wasn't critiquing her abilities as a senator, no she was pointing out flaws in their appearance. Things that Rex hadn't noticed or even seen before. Things such as her nose being too big, or her eyes being two different shades of the same color. Even critiquing how she looked in certain dresses, how they looked bloated in some and too skeletal-like in others. Even commenting on how other senators had seen the obvious imperfections and flaws, but been too polite to voice their thoughts, instead (Y/N) theorized her colleagues would laugh and make fun of her behind her back.

"You should have worn a different outfit (Y/N), no one ever takes you seriously wearing it. Blush Pink doesn't suit you" rambled (Y/N), as she started about the dress she'd chosen to wear that day. The one that had the gold accessories to go with it. "It makes you look frumpy. shows all the bumps and lumps" cruelly spoke (Y/N), her words harsh and unflattering. void of the love and kindness Rex had come to know.

Rex didn't think twice before opening the refresher door, a stern look painted on his features, ensuring (Y/N) knew he'd heard her words and now knew the secret she'd tried so very hard to hide from him. A secret Rex made no attempt to hide his disdain for. Tears soon began to make (Y/N)'s eyes shimmer in the dim glow the vanity light offered, once the shock and horror had worn away. Her knees weakened as she waited for what she believed was Rex's inevitable agreement and harsh comments of criticism. (Y/N) at least hoped he'd be the one to finally voice what he truly thought of her, about the imperfections and flaws she knew everyone could see, and made fun of her.

"I liked the blue dress you wore when we first met" voiced Rex. Recalling the silky cobalt blue dress well, it had silver accessories and a light petal-like overcoat. Rex had mistakenly believed she was queen from an outer rim world, only to be corrected by Echo, who explained she was a senator and one that supported clone rights. Often being the voice, that prevented the clone's needs and rights from being completely ignored. "You're being too hard on yourself Princessa" commented the Captain of the 501st, as he gently took hold of her hands, and pulled her from her seat on the closed toilet. Pulling her to stand before the mirror in front of him. To face the object she hated so much. "Point out what you see as a flaw and I'll tell you what I see" challenged the great captain, noticing (Y/N) staring at him through the mirror, as if trying to figure out if he was joking or being his normal doting self.

"My eyes, they're oddly shaped and the color doesn't match" whispered (Y/N), pointing to her reflection, still with the mindset the mirror never lied, even if the people around her did. Rex simply turned to look at her closely, shaking his head before placing a gentle kiss on both of her eyelids. Hearing a small giggle escape her. "My nose, is too big, there's a bump on the bridge, and it's crooked, nothing seems to make it look right" she continued, watching via the mirror as Rex lifted a hand to gently stroke his fingers around her nose, wiggling it slightly, with a childish smile placed firmly on his lips.

"Nope, no bump there. and if it is crooked, it's likely from the bar fight you got into the night we met" exclaimed Rex, recalling the night so clearly. Even now he still struggled with the idea of such an elegant lady hiding such a tough secret. He still felt sorry for the civvi to have been on the receiving end of her anger and the shoe upside the head. "Your shoulders are knotted from bearing the weight of a war few others see. And your hands are perfect, do you remember when you slapped that senator silly for his comments" spoke Rex, his rough callous hands on her smooth shoulders, feeling her relax, as she began to see through the flaws, seeing what he could see.

"None of my dresses can hide my stomach. Most of them make me look bloated and frumpy" began (Y/N), as her hands reached for her clothed stomach, grabbing at the area she was convinced she needed to lose weight from, that and her hips and thighs. Rex simply shook his head, before turning her to face him, upon doing so, he got to his knees and wrapped his arms around her torso. Pressing his lips to her stomach, in a sweet gesture only a lover could do.

"Do you remember what you said to me when I told you I was insecure about my blonde hair?" asked Rex, from his place on his knees before her, untangling her arms from her and once again intertwining their fingers. His honey eyes never once left her soft manicured hands. He waited patiently for her to voice those same words, even more so when he so often drew confidence from them, and sometimes reiterated them to cadets who felt as he had.

"You're blonde hair isn't a flaw, it's a gift. It makes you unique. Don't be ashamed of what makes you different. Embrace it" whispered (Y/N), as she recalled the words, as if she'd spoken them just the day before. At the same time, she pulled Rex back to his feet, seeing nothing but love glowing in his honey eyes. Seeing nothing but warm affection radiating from him. He was the most perfect man she knew and spent most days wondering how she'd been so lucky.

"Whether you realize it or not. You'll always be perfect to me Princessa" whispered Rex, placing a soft kiss on her temple and working his way to every place she'd pointed out as a flaw, occasionally whispering what made her perfect to him. What made her the queen he still believed she was? Only being willed to continue on by her sweet giggles and the familiar smile returning to her painted lips. 

Perfect Princessa (Captain Rex x Senator Reader)Where stories live. Discover now