judging criteria

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Here is criteria for judges !

Title (/5)
Do you think title is unique / suits on Book storyline

Does it suit on the book/ is it clear / is it attractive ?.

Blurb (/5)
Is it too long  / is too Short / is it about story line / is it seat fix in where it need to be

Idea (/10)
Its unique? / It it executed well

How does it Or progress

Are they unique and  we'll develop?

Flow(/ 5)
It it too fast / slow or comfortable / do you find its boring or Interesting

Writing style(/10)
Does the author over / under write ?
does it written well

Start / end(/10)
Does it keep you interested till the end from the start/ do you think the start and end is justice with story?

Vocabulary (/10)
Is there is so many gramitcal mistake/ punctuation use?

All the impression ( /10)

Overall [/100)

Overall [/100)

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