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5:15 PM, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2010.



"when i grow up, i will marry you y/n," young miles promised the 6 year old girl in front of him. their hands were intertwined with each other while standing by a lake. miles had a huge smile on his face, happy to be in the presence of his best friend. 

"you promise?" y/n asked unsure. "like, pinky promise?" she looked up at him. her big, innocent irises gazed into his, a small height difference causing her to look up at him. 

"i pinky promise with whipped cream, sprinkles and cherries on top!" miles beamed at her, putting her worries to rest. "i don't see anyone but you." 

"don't lie to me, miles," y/n pouted, looking down at her feet a bit flustered at his words. 

"i mean it! i swear!" he threw his tiny hands up in defense. this caused y/n to giggle, wrapping her arms around the 5 year old's torso. miles accepted y/n's warm embrace, melting into the hug. that was one of miles' favorite things about her, her hugs. they felt comforting. each time he was in her arms, his worries, fears, and doubts washed away. "i don't see anyone but you, y/n." he softly repeated, feeling content in the moment.

oh, to be young and dumb again. 


10:57AM, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21ST, 2023


"y/n, you gotta help me, please!" miles pleads. his elbows were rested on the edge of y/n's desk. he was on his knees, begging like his life depended on it. "i can't fail this class, you know how my parents are! please mami," 

y/n looked down at her best friend with unamusement. this was the third time he had trouble with calculus, a class she had taken already. "nigga, getcho ashy elbows off my desk," the girl swatted him away, grabbing his lunchbox from his bag. "what'd your mom make today?" 

"quit being fat and help those in need!" whines left the boy's mouth now, his eyebrows upturned along with his plump, rosey lips. he gave her a puppy eyed look, hoping she'd give in. 

it had always been y/n and miles; they were connected at the hip. y/n knew miles more than he knew himself and miles knew y/n more than she knew herself. at times, they would act like a married couple, more reason why people take their relationship in the wrong way.

anytime someone mentioned them being intimate, he'd start getting oddly defensive. everytime this occured, it did hurt your feelings a bit. did miles really forget his promise?  you thought. in reality, miles was simply just scared. his emotions for you were overwhelming, it was unbearable. he'd always look for you in every girl he dated, unsatisfied with them being insufficient. he'd analyze the guys you date, seeing that he was nothing like them, afraid you didn't see him that way. 

though, you never felt as if his "flings" would replace you was because of the way miles would talk or act towards them. he would always complain about how needy they were and how much they'd bother him and waste his precious time, practically annoyed at them asking for the  bare minimum. 

until gwen came in the picture. 

"miles, why're you on the floor.." she giggled a bit, throwing her bag into the nearest desk. the boy whipped his head around, a small glint in his eyes when he looked at her. did he ever look at you that way? 

"my fault, am i in your way?" miles asked, standing to his feet while turning to the girl. she gave him a toothy smile. you could never tell if her neck was broke or if it was just the unevenness of her hair. her voice was so whiny but monotone at the same time, it irked you. she reeked of sewage water and wore the same outfit every single day. she was so pushy and demanding, causing a scene if she didn't get her way. she'd always crack the most unfunniest jokes at the wrong time and was just overall boring. how could miles be attracted to that when he had you? 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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