The backstory

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The backstory

3rd person POV

'It all started long ago, when my father Alexander Zane Black fell in love with my mother Athena Hera Black. They were inseparable, they both loved each other so one night my dad got on one knee and proposed to my mother and she said yes, they did what any couple would do, they slept together. Couple months after proposing and sleeping with each other, they had their wedding and after the wedding they slept together again. It was exactly three months later when my mother started getting sick and was throwing up her food, she didn't know why she was throwing up so she went to her mother who was with her witch coven. My mother asked them could they see why she was throwing up, so two witches plus her mother went somewhere quiet to perform the spell, they chanted the spell when a gasp was heard.'

"Your pregnant deary." One of the witches told her
"I'm pregnant?" Athena questioned
"Yes Thena your three months pregnant with a baby girl." Athena's mother told her

'But the third witch was silenced'

"Can I speak with Athena alone?" The third witch asked
"Of course." They both said

'The two witches walked out'

"Angel what's going on?" Athena asked her
"I have bad news my darling." Angel told her
"I mean it can't be that bad right?" Athena asked her

'But Angel stayed quiet'

"Right Angel?" Athena questioned
"Well darling your daughter will become something powerful and strong, she will be the most feared person on this earth besides you and her father." Angel told her
"Okayyy, what was the other news Angel?" Athena asled her
"And um how should I put this." Angel rambled

"Angel get to the point!" Athena told her
"Alexander is cheating on you with a she-wolf." Angel told her quietly
"What no that can't be possible, we just got married." Athena told her while crying and rubbing her stomach

"I'm sorry my child, i'll let you have time to yourself but i must warn you that Ruby and Cleo will tell the coven about your baby so i suggest you take the back way, i'll try to keep them from finding out." Angel told her
"Thank you Angel, for everything." Athena told her
"It's been my pleasure darling." Angel told her while walking away

'Athena went the back way and walked to
her and Alexander's house, she didn't pay attention to the noises in her house because she was so far in her own head, as she went inside her house and walked the stairs. She heard moaning coming from her bedroom, she opened the door and she saw exactly what Angel told her. There's her husband sleeping with another woman in their bed that they shared, Athena gasped when she saw that the woman her husband slept with was her best friend Imara Elizabeth Parker.'

Alexander POV

'I heard a gasp beside me and all I saw was the heart broken look in my wifes eyes'

"Hera it's not what it looks like I swear!" I told her
"You liar, you sleep with someone not just someone my best freaking friend?" She told him
"You were pushing me away, what was I supposed to do?" I questioned her

'She just stared at me with tears in her eyes'

"So i'm the problem, well guess what I won't be your problem anymore!" Athena told him while throwing her engagement and wedding ring
"Hera that's not what I meant." I tried to explain to her
"No it's fine, I know what you were implying." Athena told him coldly, while walking away from him

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