Levi x reader (black eye)

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It was midday and I was finishing my chores around HQ, like usually at this time of day I was in the stables taking care of the horses, grooming them and feeding them. The horses seemed rowdier than usually so I can only assume that their long lost relative, Jean, was here earlier. As I was cleaning them, I heard something and apparently so did the horse, I quickly looked around the stable and nothing was their, what I didn't notice was that the noise had spooked the horse, enough for it to buck out its back leg when I went back to brushing its tail. I wasn't fast enough to dodge the kick so I done then next best and probably stupid thing, I took the kick, at first I thought it wouldn't be that bad, oh boy was I wrong the pain was worse than getting hurt by your own swords whilst fighting. It's foot hit me in the eye, and I want flying and landed on the ground, I clenched my eye shut and covered it with both hands, one think I can say is that I'm happy I took off its horse shoes and cleaned its feet before cleaning and grooming it "ow!" I stayed on the ground, feeling like if I stood up I would be sick, after 10 minutes of being in absolute pain, I shakily stood up, still clenching my eye.
I walked out the stables and walked to my room not so quickly, looked around an noticed how dark it was out 'everyone will be at dinner right now, that means I can go to my room un-noticed' I think to myself. I quietly walk to my room and to the bathroom, I looked in the mirror, that was hanging up, my eyes widen at the look of my eye 'it's already started to bruise, and badly at that, I walk to my bed and and lie down, and sleep, thinking 'I'm finished for the day, and I'm not in the mood for dinner, no one will notice that's I'm not at dinner anyway, might as well sleep' as soon as I stop I drift off to sleep.

Levi's P.O.V

It's was midday and I was walking by the stables, I couldn't care what was going on going on, or who was doing what, as I was walking and I accidentally kicked a stray bucket out side the stables, a few seconds later I hear a groan, I figure it was just some shitty brat doing something stupid, and I continued towards the dining hall. I walked in and grabbed my usual tea and a little bread like everyone else, as I went to go sit at the my table I look around for (y/n), but didn't spot her 'she must be finishes whatever it was she was doing today' I think and sit down along like every other day, just as I was about to take a bite from my bread, a shadow cast down on my, I looked up to see the stupid smiling face of shitty glasses, Hanji Zöe

"Hey!, Levi have you seen (y/n)?!" Shitty glasses asked/yelled at me. I look up annoyed "no I haven't, now fuck off shitty glasses" I say to her, but by the looks on her face she wasn't listening to me "hmmmm?, I wander where she is, she said she was going to sit with me for dinner and maybe help with my experiments" I shrug my shoulder bored and slightly worried "she's never been late for dinner before and if she was she would tell me before going about to work" by now I was worried, but I easily hide it "I don't care shitty glasses, if I see her I'll tell her to see you" soon after I said that she walked away, sighing I finished my dinner and tea and when to bed 'where is (y/n) and where did she disappear before dinner, she's probably finishes her chores already, I hope nothing happened to her...' Where the last thoughts to go through my head before I fell asleep.

(Y/n) P.O.V

I slept for an hour or so before I started feeling an immense pain in my eye, groaning quietly in pain, I sit up and look around in the dark 'must be past curfew now, everyone will be asleep' I get up, and slowly open the door to my room and walk out, I walk down the hall as quietly as possible to the dining room, just as I push open the door, I hear a voice behind me "(y/n)?" I slowly turn my head and look at the person, shocked and slightly scared to see the one person I didn't want to see at that moment "C-captain" I turn round and salut him, keeping my head down, so he doesn't see my eye "what are you doing here cadet (l/n)?" I hear him ask, still not looking up, I try to reply "I-I uh....I had to grab something quickly sir" I heard him walking in front of me "cadet (l/n) when I talk to you, I expect you to look at me" he sounded somewhat angry and...worried, keeping my head down I reply "sorry sir", I felt his fingers go under my chin and tilt my head to look at him, when he saw my eye, his eyes widened a fraction before going back to normal "what happened (y/n)?" I fidgets slightly "nothing sir, just an accident in the stables, a noise spooked a horse and I was unfortunate enough to be behind it at the time sit" I see him tensing slightly, and then I feel him tugging my arm and setting me down at one of the tables and disappearing into the cold pantry that's used to freeze things' I sit their waiting for him to come back out.

Levi P.O.V

I was sleeping quietly in my bed until I heard light foot steps pass by my door, looking at the clock and finding out its 12:30am way past curfew, I decided to pursue the person braking the rules, I slowly walked out of my room and found the person about to enter the dining hall, it wasn't till then that I realised who it was "(y/n)" I saw her turn round but she refused to look up, I wonder what happened, after I asked her a series of question, she still wouldn't look up, so I walked infront of her and forced her to look at me, I was shocked to saw the lease, her eye was slightly swollen, and badly bruised, I asked what happened and as soon as she explained I know it was my fault she had the black eye, because I'm the one that spooked the horse. I dragged her inside the hall and sat her down, as soon as she was sitting down I walked into the pantry used for freezing food, and I grab a napkin and a lot of frozen peas, after tying the napkin, I walk back to the dining room, and sit infront of her, and I place the frozen peas on her eye, as soon as I don't that, I saw her wince slightly "sorry (f/n)", she reached up and took the peas from me "I-it's okay captain" she says with a slightly stutter because of the pain, I sigh "no it's not (y/n) it was my fault you were hurt, I accidentally kicked the bucket out side the stables earlier, spooking the horse that give you that" I tell her, it was hurt time sigh "it's not your fault captain" I growl slightly "it is not let me take care of you" I said and what I don't next I thought I would never do, I kisses her black eye, she blushed slightly "uh...capt-" I cut her off "just call me Levi when we're along, and shut up cadet, I'm fed up of hiding my feelings" I said it, I finally said it, she blushed red "(y/n) I don't have a crush on you no I am full blown in love with you!" I whisper shouted, she blushed more and whispered "I love you too Levi..." I smirked "then you won't mind me doing this" I say and I kissed her full lay on the lips, a moment or two later she kissed, after a minute we pulled away, blushing lightly "I love you (y/n)" I mumble and she mumbles back "I love you too Levi" I hug her "come on let's get you back to bed" I say and help her up, I walk her to her room and give her a quick kiss good night before leaving my self.

(Y/n) P.O.V

The captain kissed me and told me to call him Levi this is a dream come true! I think to my self as I fall asleep dreaming of him.

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