Chapter 4

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I woke up the next day still feeling tired like I hadn't gotten any sleep. I rolled over onto my other side and felt something sore on my ribcage. "Ow!..." I whispered, carefully pulling up the hem of my shirt and peeking at my torso.

I didn't see anything so I just snuggled down until I got comfortable again.

As I was about to drift back to sleep, my phone beeped and I picked it up. My fingers glided rapidly over the familiar glass screen, checking the text.

Ed: "Wanna go bowling tonight with Connor, Meg, and Jesse?"

Me: "Yes!"

Ed: "Great(: we'll all meet there at 7."

All day I felt nauseous. I called my mom at work, but all I got was her voicemail and my dad was on a business trip so I spent most of the day lying on the couch and coaxing myself to get up and eat something. "C'mon, Lainie." I talked out loud. "You don't wanna be sick tonight... get some food in your stomach."

Around 6 o'clock I started to feel a little better. I changed into something cuter than my pajamas and drove to the bowling alley a few minutes before 7.

"Lainie!" Ed called as I climbed out of my car door. He jogged over; his tanned muscles flexing with each movement.

"Hey hot stuff." I did a cat call, trying not to laugh as he posed for me.

"Let's head inside, Jesse's already here getting his shoes and Meg and Connor will show up any minute." Out of habit, our hands immediately found each other's, walking linked together towards the building's entrance. I loved the way his hands felt against mine. Perfectly calloused and strong, but soft and gentle keeping me feeling so safe that sometimes I think I'd rather be holding his hand than doing anything else for the rest of my life.

Without warning, he swung me up onto his back in one swift movement. I giggled and climbed onto his muscled shoulders for dear life. Trusting Ed to hold my legs and keep me from falling, I lifted my hands up and rested them on either side of his face. I was balanced precariously as I leaned down and kissed him on the top of his head, and said,

"You're my favorite."

My favorite to look at.

My favorite to be around.

My favorite to hold.

My favorite to kiss.

My favorite to laugh with.

My favorite to cry with.

My favorite piggyback ride I'll ever have.

Ed gave my calf a little squeeze, letting me know in his own silent way that he was thinking, "You're my favorite, too."

We reached the end of the aisle in the parking lot and I clumsily climbed down from my boyfriend's back. "Kiss me." I batted my eyelashes twice, knowing exactly what I was doing to him.

Ed wore my favorite crooked grin and whispered, "Gladly."

I didn't care about the stares. The older couples gawking at our open PDA. I didn't care if we were obnoxious teenagers... I care about Ed, and I care about him a lot.

We held hands into the bowling alley and Ed paid for both of our admissions. "What size are you, ma'am." A brunette in her thirties who looked like she could care less asked from across the counter.

"Seven and a half." I flashed her a sweet smile.

She asked Ed the same question before handing our shoes over to us.

I sat down on the floor and started tightening my laces. As I was tying the bow, he grabbed the string and pulled it. "Ed," I whined, jokingly punching his broad shoulder.

Once everyone was there, we signed into the computer and typed in our names. They appeared in white on the overheard monitor.

Since Ed had typed my name in first, I was the first to go at the beginning of the round. "Wait!" I could *hear* Ed's smile, letting me know he was secretly plotting.

"What, Babe?" I spin around on the polished hardwood

"Let's make a bet." His eyebrow raised mischievously. "Loser buys frozen yogurt afterwards."


I fake strut towards him, turning my nose up playfully. "You're on."

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