crab shortage

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omg so this is the first thing I've written in like 3 years and i kinda love it

nsfw !! enjoy <3


"What caused them to go away? Like I'm still lost...." Soup asks, chuckling.

"Why are we still talking about the goddamn crabs? Oh my god!" y/n exclaims, completely over the 11 billion lost crabs. She's distracted and irritated which allows sirwalterwoo69 to get a headshot in.

"Oh my god, Soup, I'm killing you, I swear to fuckin' Jesus Christ, this is your fault."

"What'd I do?" he asks, laughing, and she's about ready to break her keyboard across her desk.

"Why are the crabs bothering you, y/n?" McNasty asks. She sighs and starts to bonk her head against her mic continuously, causing the boys to laugh.

"If Cam doesn't bring me food in the next five minutes I'm finding him and killing him," she says, leaning back into her chair.

"What's got you so upset today, y/n? Cam getting on your nerves more than usual?" Eric asks, managing to get a last minute kill before the bomb goes off.

"I can't find my fuckin' nic, dude, like I'm 'bout to start swinging from the rafters and screaming like a goddamn monkey." she laughs, moving the same piles of paper on her desk she's already moved ten times to look for her vape.

"Okay, let's take a break so y/n doesn't fuckin' go feral on us." McNasty says, ending the pending match so they can all chill in Discord.

Cameron walks into her office after a few minutes of the group arguing about nothing, bag of McDonalds and a dab pen in hand. He smiles and calls out for her, hoping that her headphones aren't up at ear rape level so she'll hear him.

"Hi, babyyyy!" she exclaims, holding her arms out towards him to come closer. "I'm so happy to see you!" The boys on Discord all laugh, and Soup mocks her high pitched baby-talk voice.

Cameron continues walking over to her and sets the bag down on her desk. She pulls her headphones down around her neck and turns the volume up so he can listen in on the return of the crab discussion.
"Hi, princess," Cameron says softly, placing a gentle kiss to her temple. "Having fun?"

A mumbled "You call her princess?" can be heard from Eric through her headphones and the boys laugh. Y/n's cheeks turn a light red.

"You call her princess..." Cameron says mockingly back into her mic, "Of course I call her 'princess.' What the fuck else am I supposed to call her?" He chuckles, leaning over the back of her chair to drape his arms across her chest. He places a few soft kisses onto her cheek and down onto her shoulder, and her cheeks get even redder.

"Simp." McNasty chuckles and then they all continue on with their crab discussion.

"Yeah, I guess I am...." Cam whispers into her ear, reaching to her desk to flip the 'off' switch on her mic and then to pull her headphones off. He starts slowly kissing on the side of her neck, right hand trailing up to wrap his long fingers lightly around her throat, left nudging up her shirt to touch her belly.

"This okay?" he asks, breath warm and sweet against her skin as she shudders. "I missed you."

"You're so lucky my camera isn't on right now," she manages to blurt out before he's wrapping his hand tighter around her throat.

"I'm sure you'd like it....being watched....while I turn you into a mess." His voice is soft, quiet, and she already feels like a puddle in her chair.

"I hate you..." she mumbles, closing her eyes as he starts lightly biting at her skin in between kisses. He chuckles, hands moving to push up her shirt and past her bra to knead at her breasts. ", I...uhm, I kinda have shit to..." she trails off, sighing as he works on a hickey she's sure is going to be huge.


"Fuck, you gotta stop, hun. I have to get this video...uhm...done. God, I can't even think..."

"You sure?" he asks, pulling his lips away and pushing his forehead against her cheek. His hands are still gently rubbing at her breasts and he sighs, delighted that she's become absolute mush under his hands. "'Cause I would absolutely love to give you head right now."

"Oh my god, I would love that..." she starts, pawing at his arms to get him to let go of her chest, "but I have work to do, honey."

"I mean...I could always just eat you out while you play," he says nonchalantly, pulling his hands away from her so he can spin her around in the chair to face him. Then he gets down on his knees in front of her, hands moving to toy with the waistband of her shorts.

"Cam, I fuckin' love the enthusiasm, but I'm not about to sit in a counter strike lobby like that," she laughs, and despite her words she lets him pull her thighs onto his shoulders and slip his fingers further into her waistband.

"Who says you can't just take a little break? I think you deserve one, especially so I can make you come." She playfully rolls her eyes, knowing that she's not going to say no to him because he's dead set on giving her head.


"God, you are so fucking good at that..." she laughs, legs still twitching as she runs a hand through his slightly damp hair. He looks up at her, eyes soft and puppy-like, while his hands are busy kneading softly at her thighs still perched against his shoulders.

"Helps that you taste so good," he says lovingly. She blushes, both at his words and at the fact he's started placing wet kisses all over her thighs, getting further and further up with each kiss, eyes looking directly into hers.

"Okay, let's not get too excited there. If you make me come one more time I might just black out."

He pouts but still moves away to stand up, grabbing her hands to help her up from her chair. She ends up just kicking her shorts and underwear completely off her legs and away from her desk, slightly annoyed with how turned on she still is. He pulls her into his chest, long arms wrapping around her back, and sighs deeply.

"You've just got me completely whipped for you at this point, love. We've been apart, for what, like five hours? And the whole time I couldn't wait to get home just to touch your skin."

"You're so good to me," she says, words muffled with her face pushed against his chest, enjoying just being able to breathe in his cologne. "First you bring me McDonalds and weed, then you give me head out of nowhere...I think you deserve the best sex of your life."

"I wouldn't be opposed," he chuckles, "why don't you finish up your sesh and we'll pick this up later?"

"Baby, I meant now. You've gotten me this wet, why put it to waste?" There's a slight cocky tone to her voice and his heart practically skips a beat.

"I mean..." His cheeks turn red at her words.

"Just shut up and go take your clothes off." He obliges, pulling his shirt off right away and throwing it across her office. She does the same, unhooking her bra as he steps closer to her.

"Good boy," she smiles, stepping up on her tiptoes to give him a quick peck on the lips. His cheeks turn even redder and she nudges him towards the door.

"Hold on, I'll be there in a second, lovely." She moves back over to her desk, reaching for the switch on her mic to turn it back on.

"Yo, I'll be back...just give me like thirty more minutes. I'm tryna eat real quick." The boys all say a quick okay before heading back to their discussion, and she heads back over to Cameron.

"We're gonna need a little more than thirty minutes."


hey pals, ig im writing again ??? idk let me know what you think bc i always seem to fall for and write about skinny white boys

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