11. Dio

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chapter 11

The day was thursday, the one Eleanor had been waiting for. A week had passed and today was the day she would leave off to Rome and find Eva, in other words Lorenzo and Venice had came to an end...

She should be filled with joy and relief... Wake up with a smile on her lips and start packing her baggages with anticipation, yet she felt nothing, nothing but a deep shallow void. Thinking that it must be because of the dull weather that overtook the sky Eleanor started off towards the kitchen.

Lorenzo wouldn't be back before afternoon and that gave her plenty of time to start gathering her belongings, and pay a visit to Margaret for the last time.

As she reached for the shelf with glasses, Eleanor had to stand on her very tiptoes, it didn't do much difference thanks to her very inconvenience of height, seeing a stool on the corner Eleanor thankfully dragged it in and stood, just as she got the right angle from twisting and reaching her fingers grasped—- "Would you like some help, Cara?" A familiar voice broke in and just as she almost reached the glass, had the tips of it on her fingers it slipped from shock and surprise and so did her balance, her arms flew before her and just when she expected to land on the hard ground she landed on an firm embrace,

"Oh" the sound leaving her lips as she landed on a hard chest, craned her neck, her voice dying as she locked eyes with Lorenzo, his arms circling steading her, she told herself to move, say something.. anything but gawk like a ninny but neither of it was in her ability, her throat worked silently as his eyes held hers, his nostrils flaring in something she thought was anger but as her gaze flickered back to his gaze she saw it darken, lust simmering through them, she was aware of his earthy masculine scent like a clog over her mind, his hands grasping her body in places no one ever held, a desire like the time when his lips had been hovered over hers, she knew how they looked even with eyes closed, could— "You need to be careful, Nora.." he spoke then, after what felt like an eternity,


Right, her name... Her mind had completely shut down, seeing his lips moving yet she couldn't comprehend, his firm hands who once held her tightly slowly but surely set her back on her feet.

It was only then reality crashed back on her, colour quickly rising up her cheeks as she looked everywhere and anywhere on him, "I— I was just—"

Drat it!

Why did he need to be here out of all times, when she had not even yet dressed in her appropriate gowns, she only stood in her nightgown now which revealed more than it hid.

The infuriating man had the nerve to crack a smile, obviously enjoying to torment her to no end, "You are adorable when stuttering... has anyone told you that, Cara?"

Her heart tripled when he called her that, she wished he would cease doing it... Then again his mere presence could effect her as much.

"I do not stutter, you just gave me a chock," she shot back ignoring his knowing look, "What were you trying to do then?"

"It don't matter, I am going to pack for—" Like a cat reaching for its prey his long arm sneaked he caught her before she could leave, "You have not eaten, I gather without me you will perish of hunger" his laughter rang in her ear, she remembered last week when he saw her trying to cook

which had been more than a disaster... All her life she had never needed to worry about her next meal, prepare food since it always was set before her, a luxury she now knew she took for granted when her stomach had grumbled and she tried to make something, to her utter luck Lorenzo had stood cornered and watched her misery. At first she was vexed and embarrased that he lurked behind her but ever since then he had prepared a meal for her before he left for work and brought when he came back, she had taken it from the door as he didn't invade her privacy.

Her heart warmed at his caring but she would never tell him that.

Now as if he could read her mind he knew she was starving, "There is no need, i will not perish of hunger and it is none of your concern," meaning to make her words sharp it only fell as she felt his breath tickle her ear from behind, she had not realized the close intimacy. His arms tightened around her narrow waist, and his free hand compulsively sought her hips, exerting gentle but steady pressure to bring her closer against him.

She stiffened a little when she felt his mouth touch her throat, and her breath caught in astonishment, "What... what are you doing?" she whispered swirling around to face him, the action making his hands fall to his side.

"I'm sorry," he breathed, fighting to regain his wits. "It's that smell... what is it?"

"Smell?" she frowned in puzzlement, "Do you mean my perfume?"

Lorenzo was distracted by the sight of her mouth... the plush, silky, rose-tinted lips that seemed to promise unspeakable sweetness and dark dreams. The scent of her invaded his nose repeatedly, in luxurious drifts that roused a fresh wave of fantastically lurid urges within his body. Before he had been partly aware of the scent that tickled his nose to inhale deep when she was cradled in his arms, her voluptuous figure a torture for him. He hardened, lust heating rapidly, while his heart thumped with unrivaled force. He couldn't think clearly. The effort to keep from touching her caused his hands to shake. Closing his eyes, he turned his face from hers, only to find himself nuzzling hungrily at her throat.

She pushed at him a little, her sharp whisper at his ear. "What is the matter with you?"

"Dio.." Lorenzo shook his head helplessly. "I'm sorry" he rasped, even as he knew what he was about to do. "Cara–" His mouth crushed on hers and he began to kiss her as if his life depended on it.



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