Chapter 5 - Out there

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3rd person pov:
Giyuu and Sanemi arrived first. Sanemi knocked on the door٫ Giyuu stood behind him holding boxes of everyone's favorite foods.
"I'm comming!!" Rengoku opened the door٫ "you guys are early٫ the party doesn't start for  another 5 minutes. Well come in!"
They had outdone themselfs٫ with alcohol٫ decorations٫ they even had sleeping mats for everyone. They both walked inside.
"Whats that Tomioka?" Uzui walked over٫ he had rhinestones glued around his eyes. Giyuu wondered if they were uncomfortable٫ but decided not to ask.

Giyuu pov:
"I-uhh...I made some food..." I mumbled٫ looking at my feet. I should never have done this... their all going to hate it..
"We were going to order something but this is much more flamboyant!" Uzui grinned٫ "Go head and put it on the table." I was presently surprised٫ but I walked over to the table and set it up. The other hashiras arrived soon after.
"Ara~ Ara~ I'm surprised you actually came Tomioka-san٫" Kocho sat down next to him. I just nodded٫ I was surprised I came myself. By that time everyone else was there٫ Mitsuri and Obanai were sitting very close together but I pushed if off.

Sanemi pov:
"LETS PLAY A GAME!" Mitsuri squealed obviously really excited.
"Mitsuri please lower your voice٫" Gyomei said calmly.
Mitsuri looked down embarrassed٫ "Gomen٫ Gyomei-san." Think god she shut up٫ she was going to give me a head ache٫ I rolled my eyes.
"I think thats a great idea!" Uzui said breaking me out of my thoughts. "how about truth or dare?"
"That sounds like fun!" Rengoku smiled. "I'll go first! Mitsuri truth or dare?"
"Is your hair natural or dyed?"
She looked down٫ "Its natural٫" she said quietly.
"Thats very flamboyant!" Uzui grinned. She seemed surprised by this٫ smiling brightly. "Your turn!"
"Ooo! Shinazugawa! Truth or dare?" She had a grin on her face as she asked me this.
"Truth..." better go with the safer option.
"Is your lover male or female?" She grinned sheepishly.
I felt my face heat up٫ "Look he blushing again!" Uzui laughed.
"Shut it Uzui!" I said angrily٫ I knew I would never here the end of it if they knew it was Giyuu. Most of them hated him٫ if I'm being honest I didn't like him when I first met him. He seemed like he thought he was better٫ but it turns out he just is a really shy٫ and anxious person.
"Answer!" Mitsuri said getting impatient.
"Male..." I mumbled٫ looki look I get down.
"Obanai! Hand it over٫ I won!" Kocho held out her hand.
"You guys bet on what gender my lover is?!" I glared at both of them.
"No٫ your sexually٫ I bet that you liked men٫ and Obanai bet females٫" Kocho looked up at me. Oh how it took all of my self control not to punch her right then and there.
"OKAYYYYYY! How 'bout we eat something!" Uzui said trying to break up the tension.

Giyuu pov:
"Whats this?" Muichiro said holding up a bottle of hard alcohol.
I stood up and rushed over there٫ "How about you have this instead٫ Mui?" I s a id handing him a glass of Ramune. I handed the alcohol to Uzui giving him a warning look.
"Oooo! Where did you get these! There so good!" Mitsuri said with her mouth full of sakura mochi. I looked down embarrassed.
"Actually Tomioka brought them!" Rengoku said beaming at me.
"Where did you get them Tomioka?" Mitsuri asked excitedly.
"Uh...I-I made them..." I said٫ too embarrassed to make eye contact.
"Wow! You have to teach me sometime! Their so good!!" She jumped up and down. Obanai glared at me out of jealousy.
"Did you make all of the food you brought?" Rengoku asked me amazed٫ I nodded.
"You brought everyone's favorites! How flamboyant!" Uzui said taking a swig of alcohol.
"Go easy on the alcohol Tengen٫" Rengoku said grabbing his arm before he could drink more.
"Oh come on! Don't be a buzz-kill!" he said protested٫ he put it down anyway. Normally at the partys that the two hosted Uzui would get so drunk that Rengoku would have to carry/drag him home. Then he wouldn't be available for missions for the next couple of days. Luckily master didn't mind too much٫ I think he found it amusing. It was also the only times we got to see Rengoku annoyed.
"Tomioka-san? Are you going to come back to the game?" Kocho said. I turned around٫ they where all staring at me.
"Uhh... y-yeah-" I scurried back to my seat not wanting to be the center of attention for any longer.
"Yu-Tomioka..." Sanemi caught himself٫ "Truth or dare?"
"Truth?" What could Sanemi want to know?
He looked me dead in type eyes٫ "Why did you make food for everyone?" Then I realized what he was trying to do٫ he was pushing me to make friends. Oh this is going to be so embarrassing to say.
I looked down٫ my face red hot٫ "I-I...wanted to try and make friends..." I mumbled it so quietly it was barley audible.
"Ara~ Ara~ thats a surprise coming from you Tomioka-san٫" Kocho said amused.
"Can we just move on..."
The rest of the night went normal. Uzui was of course wasted by the end٫ so we all went back to our rooms so Rengoku could handle it. (Poor Rengoku).

(937 Words)
I had motivation for this chapter IDK why٫ but I hoped you all enjoyed it. I'll see you in the next part! (Thx for 65 views 😭❤️).

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