Flu The Coop

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Starring: Jewels, Cuddles, Flaky and Lumpy

The episode starts with Jewels, who is in her nest outside with a bandage and ice pack on top of her head and is moaning in pain, Cuddles and Flaky arrive.

Flaky: Hey Jewels! What's wrong?

Cuddles: You look sick

Jewels: I FEEL sick

Flaky: But you should feel relaxed, you just got back from a long vacation

Lumpy arrives at the nest.

Lumpy: Hey kids! What's going on?

Cuddles: *points at Jewels* She's sick, and she just got back from a long vacation

Lumpy: Oh really Jewels? Where did you go?

Jewels: I was visiting my relatives in South East Asia

Lumpy: *feels freaked out and worried* Woah woah woah wait a minute Jewels, you might have the bird flu

Jewels: *looks puzzled* The bird flu? What's that?

Lumpy, Flaky and Cuddles: *start singing about avian influenza virus genesi to the tune of "ABC-DEF-GHI"*

After the song ends, the scene cuts to Nutty who is walking until he notices a plate of chicken wings on a tree stump.

Nutty: What's this? Candy? This is not candy, it's chicken! *he shrugs and decides to eat the wings anyways, he does his signature jittering for a few seconds then starts to shiver*

Nutty: Uhhh, I don't feel so good, I'm cold, I'm so coooollld. *he collapses on the ground and dies, indicating that the wings have been affected with the bird flu*

The scene cuts back to Jewels's nest.

Flaky: I know what will make you feel better, a big hug! *she hugs Jewels*


Flaky: *she freaks out and drops Jewels's feathers*

Jewels: *sneezes on Cuddles and Flaky*

Cuddles: You got us all wet! *both he and Flaky start sneezing and coughing*

Lumpy: Oh no! This is bad! This is bad! *he runs away, panicky*

Flaky: Here comes Suity, he'll know what to do!

*Cuddles and Flaky skip towards Suity who is a green pangolin wearing a fancy suit*

Suity: *pulls down his face mask* Kids, you've got to get the hell outta here, now!

Cuddles: What's going on Suity?

Suity: You don't wanna see this

Flaky looks at the wheelbarrow, which is carrying a giant mountain of all the tree friends who have died of the bird flu, even Splendid and Flippy are on the pile.

Flaky: Toothy? Petunia? Giggles?! OH NO!

Cub: *he's laying on top of Lammy's corpse, laughing* Tickle me! Tickle me! Ha ha! *coughs 9 times and dies*

Jewels: *looks shocked* Did I do that?

Suity: I'm afraid so, you spread avian flu to everyone in the valley *he opens the trash can next to him
and starts throwing the dead victims in, while singing about everyone infected in the neighbourhood, to the tune of "The People In Your Neighbourhood"*

After the song ends, Suity slams the lid back on the trashcan.

Pop arrives holding a bottle of BBQ fuel, with Lumpy following behind.

Pop: *ushers Cuddles, Flaky and Suity to move out of the way* Okay everybody back away!

Pop pours the BBQ fuel all over Jewels

Jewels: Hey, that smells funny

Pop: Who's got a box of matches?

Lumpy: *randomly pulls out a box of matches from his pocket* I do!

Pop takes the box from Lumpy, giving him a strange look, Lumpy just smiles, Pop takes a match from the box and gives Lumpy another strange look, Lumpy's still smiling, Pop lights the match and holds it towards Jewels.

Jewels: Well, I guess that's it for me

An iris circles around Jewels

Jewels: Goodbye kids!

After the iris closes the episode, we hear fire starting to ignite, then the credits roll to the sound of fire crackling.

Happy Tree Friends: Flu The CoopDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora