1:3 - Kim Namjoon

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When Yoongi arrived at the Kim Mansion he was in awe.
He got out of the black SUV that the Kim's sent to pick him up all of 2 hours ago.
The Kim's only lived 1 hour away from Yoongi, but he wasn't fully packed when the car got there.
He stood on the side walk as two tall men got out of the car and grabbed his bags out the back of the car.
Yoongi walked behind the men quietly.
Once at the door Yoongi saw a tall lady with long hair and a suit on.
"You must be Min Yoongi"
She paused and put her hand out to shake.
"I am Mr. Kim's secretary."
Yoongi took her hand and gave it a small shake.
She smiled softly at him before continuing.
"These men will be your bodyguards from today onward, so what every you need or any questions you may have please feel free to ask them."
Yoongi nodded slightly as they began to walk through the house.
"This is your room, the bodyguards will help you unpack and in 2 hours you will be escorted to the sitting room to meet the Kim brothers."
"Yes ma'am thank you"
Yoongi said as she closed the door.
The bodyguards started to unpack before Yoongi could get the chance to breathe.
They put everything he had on hangers.
Yoongi barely got to help.
"Mr. Min it is time for you to greet the Kim's."
One of the bodyguards announced.
Yoongi bit his lip nervously as they walked through the big house.
When he entered the sitting room the three brothers were already there.
'They look nothing alike'
Yoongi thought.
"Hi nice to see you again, I am Kim Taehyung. Last time we saw each other I didn't get to introduce myself properly. It is good to see you again Min Yoongi."
The man grabbed Yoongi's hand and shook it crazily.
" L-Like wise sir, but um how do you know my name"
The man let go.
"These are my brothers Kim Seokjin and Kim Namjoon."
The one called Seokjin stood up and shook Yoongi's hand.
"Nice to meet you, Yoongi everyone calls me jin hyung so feel free to do so as well."
"Um, th-thank you sir."
The last brother just looked at them.
Yoongi already knew who they were because of the article he had read the night before.
He was intimidating even in his pictures so yoongi knew he would be even more so in person but this was on a different level.
They stared at each other for a good minute, yoongi scared and Namjoon expressionless.
Finally he stood up and as he walked closer yoongi unconsciously stepped away until his back hit the wall.
"Your mother said you were small but this is .... How old are you?"
He smirked at the clear embarrassment on Yoongi's face.
" I-I am tall enough- umm um I "
Yoongi stopped his sentence when Namjoon's smill disappeared .
"Contact his mother and tell her he is here for 2weeks, get him some lunch and find Hoseok."
"Yes sir"
The men in the room said,... even the secretary said yes sir.
She whispered into one of the bodyguards ears and walked away before making a call. The bodyguards led yoongi into the kitchen too eat his lunch.

'H-how do they know my m-mom'
Yoongi thought as he sat down at the kitchen bar.

Ok so this chapter is shorter then the rest but my mind drew a blank sorry😔

574wordsOk so this chapter is shorter then the rest but my mind drew a blank sorry😔

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The Kim's house.

The Kim's house

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Yoongi's fit.

Yoongi's current bedroom

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Yoongi's current bedroom.

The sitting room

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The sitting room.

The sitting room

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The kitchen.

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