Chapter 1: Amnesia

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Snow. Fluffy, and comforting- although, it was, of course- pretty cold.

The soft substance is comforting and fun to play in, for sure- whether you're alone or with friends.


Friends... they were playing with a couple friends just now, weren't they?

Some of them they didn't know. Some of them they did.

Papyrus was one of them- they knew that much.

Papyrus was definitely a friend, among others. One of their first friends.

One of Frisk's friend's.


...Who was Papyrus, again?

Frisk happily, though mentally- hummed in the large grouping of flowers they were in the middle of. Buttercups were quite pretty and felt quite nice, they discovered. Looking up, they examined the hole that they fell through a few moments ago. They think they did, at least- as they can't really remember anything apart from suddenly being on these flowers, face down and smothered.

At least they were fluffy.

They don't really know why they were here, to be quite honest. They don't remember falling, but they must have- I mean, how else would they have gotten here? The hole up above them was a stark pointer to how, they thought.

The stone room they were in reminded them of past civilizations- they had less to work with, but they were civilized, and still people. Still conscious, with their own ideas and ideologies. They figured that people had lived or still do live here- why else would that doorway have engravings on it?

Speaking of- they should probably go through that, shouldn't they? As if on cue, they felt a growing urge to go through it, to find other people- other people that could help them. They were a bit confused at the thought; they didn't feel worried about falling to an unknown place for other, unknown reasons. It was weird, but they didn't really have much else to do.

So, they eventually got up- taking a last glance at the flowers before feeling and appreciating the smooth engravings, stepping into and calmly walking down the long, dark hallway. It was a bit hard to see- their eyes having to adjust quickly to the non-lit area so as to not trip on their own dark brown boots.

When they finally exited, there was another clearing of light- a small flower sitting in the middle of it. Strangely, it had a face.

And they should be confused, and maybe appalled at such a thing- but instead there wasn't any change to their feelings apart from a small sense of déjà vu.

Eventually, the Flower had apparently stopped daydreaming- coming to its senses and almost immediately taking up a large scowl.

"Well, well, well, look who fiiinally showed up! Took you long enough to respawn- 'figured you'd be back immediately, but 'guess you do actually like to see us suffer, huh? Not so 'Pacifist' of you, Frisk."


..Why.. weren't they surprised?

I mean it had a face, but... it was honestly more confusing and genuinely jarring to Frisk as to why they weren't surprised at this than why the flower was speaking to them. The déjà vu returned in full swing and made goosebumps rise in waves on their arms, making them dumbly stand still for a moment before they quickly approached the flower and sat down, dumbstruck and still very confused.

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