Food stealer

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(Your pov)
As I ate Hobie snatched my whole thing of fries and I slightly nudged him with my elbow saying "Hey! Give them back you food snatcher" as I got up getting closer to him and reaching for my fries as he was a bit taller than me.

I heard him laugh a bit as he said "shorty!"as I grunted while stretching at my tilt toes trying to grab my fries back. I decided to give up and sit back down waiting for him to hand them back. He then sat back down next to me but ate the fries in my face then gave the rest back....there was none left.

"HEY! There's no more how dare you!" I said as I threw the fries box/container thing at his face but he caught it and laughed knowing I couldn't be mad at him for long. "Oh cmon you know you can't stay mad forever especially over some fries" he said as he nudged me in the arm with his elbow as a signal to stop pouting. As it got later and later I got more tired and feel asleep on his shoulder.

(Hobies pov)
I felt her fall asleep on my shoulder and a warm smile crept on my face as I picked her up and swung over to my apartment. I placed her on my bed gently and got changed while putting a my hoodie and sweats on her. I yawned as I turned the light off and climbed in bed facing opposite direction from her as I fell fast asleep.

(269 word count)

|Secret love|Hobie brown x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora