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Pairing: Taejoonkook
From: Neighbours (oneshot)
Rating: NC-17
Warning: double penetration, light bondage

Word count: 2119


When Jungkook and Taehyung came back home they were shocked to see their husband already there,

Namjoon usually works late so him coming before the duo is actually rare, but there was Namjoon with his big baggy t-shirt and shorts, just sitting there and stuffing popcorns into his mouth while watching movie,

Both of their eyes went towards the glass table where two mugs were resting and frowned,

"Joonie hyung you're early." Jungkook said while a frown was still sitting on his face,

Namjoon looked at them wide eyes, mouth still filled with popcorns making the duo coo, the older slowly chewed the popcorns before swallowing them so he could speak,

"Ah yeah, just got off the work early."

"Then why didn't you told us we could have came early too." Namjoon looked at Taehyung and shook his head with a smile,

"Don't worry about it, Jiminie swinged by and we did some catch up and watched a movie." Namjoon said and the frown on the two younger's face deepened as a spark of possessiveness went through their bodies on the mention of Namjoon's ex.

Namjoon was about to shove a handful of popcorns in his mouth but stopped looking at the duo,"What are you thinking? Go freshen up." Namjoon said and they both looked at eachother before nodding and leaving,

Few minutes later Namjoon heard Taehyung yelling his name and frowned, he put the popcorn on the glass table getting up and going towards their shared bedroom,

"Taehyungie?" Namjoon said as he knocked on the door softly,

The older tilted his head when he got no response putting his hand on the knob twisting it, he entered the room only to get backed up by the door, eyes wide, Taehyung hovering above him,

Namjoon gasped when a soft pair of lips made contact with his, his eyes went towards Jungkook who was sitting on the bed watching the scene play,

Taehyung's lips left his when they heard Jungkook's voice,"bring him here."

Taehyung obeyed not before he striped older leaving him only in boxers, Namjoon shivered when the cold air made contact with his golden tan skin,

The younger wrapped his arms around Namjoon's waist in one smooth movement and hoist him up, causing Namjoon to gasp, arms winding around Taehyung's neck and legs wrapping around his torso automatically as the younger carried him to the bed.

Before Namjoon can comprehend what's happening they were all pressed together, Namjoon's back flushed against Jungkook's chest and Taehyung was still half holding him to his chest,

He could feel the warmth radiating from their half naked still slightly wet bodies.

Their hands and mouth were everywhere now, a pair of teeth slowly nibbling and biting his earlobe, as he turned his head back lips making contact with Jungkook's in a hot and sloppy kiss while Taehyung was kissing down his throat with a methodical and practised fineness, his raven locks tickling Namjoon's neck and chin,

Jungkook broke the kiss lips trailing down at the older's neck sucking it harder than he normally does leaving dark purple bruises that will take days to fade,

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