Chapter 3

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Raven forced his eyes open.

‘This is…’

His vision blurred. He couldn’t find anything to focus on!


Something in his body twisted and realigned. The sound of his spine snapping started to spread, and his whole body felt the movement.


Raven closed his eyes again. He wanted to scream but no sound came out. It wasn't the first time his body had experienced something like this. He soon clenched his teeth in anticipation and silently bore the changes that took within his body.

Craaaack! Crack!

It was the sound of bones aligning and organs reforming. He had a similar experience before when he almost died.

Then, the sound stopped, and Raven felt a different sensation than before. In his semiconscious state, he had a fuzzy feeling and a warmth covered his abdominal area before spreading to his chest, neck, and shoulders.

‘Wha.. What’s going on…?’

Someone was touching his body with extreme care.


Raven felt his body being raised, along with somebody’s voice. A sweet but unfamiliar scented spread. Raven opened his eyes and turned his head. His vision was still blurred and unfocused. He saw bountiful breasts resting inside white lace -- a woman.

Was this a dream? Or was he seeing things? Maybe he was already dead, and this was heaven?

It didn’t matter which one it was. Raven couldn’t even remember the last time he came into contact with a woman. He followed his instincts mindlessly. His hands moved toward the white, voluptuous chest in front of him.




Raven once again lost consciousness which was accompanied by someone’s shriek and burning pain in his cheeks.

“Sniff sniff…”

Raven came to, this time hearing someone’s sobs.

“No… really I swear... His Grace really…. me…”

He started to hear the words a bit more clearly. It also seemed like there was more than just one person.

“What nonsense are you sprouting? How can you even say such things? Can’t you see his condition right now?”

“No re.. really I swear, miss. He really stretched his hand and touched my... my breasts…”

“Oh how can you even say such a shameful thing? Oh my my.”

“Please wait a minute, head maid. Lindsay, you’re sure that His Grace moved?”

“Yes, yes! I swear on the heavens. I was about to clean his back when he suddenly stuck out his arm...”

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