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Despite the sun setting over the horizon, a heavy heat still lingered within the air. Summer was in full swing with blossomed flowers, buzzing bees, and young love flourishing through the air. However, that wasn't all that had been floating through the air. One could feel the zip of magic tingling across one's skin as they roamed the local streets. It was everywhere, only seeming to heighten the closer to Litha it seemed to get. Though, despite the excitement and celebratory atmosphere growing that evening, not everyone seemed enthused about the festivities. 

With long hair of ebony and eyes the color of the night sky, Sana Farron was the epitome of what it meant to be a walking beauty. Her strides were carefully placed as she meandered through the loud festival grounds, appearing as if she were no more than floating across the soft green grass under her feet. The navy blue skirt she wore was long and flowy, covering her feet to enhance the illusion of her floating. It had been paired with simple brown flats and a white off the shoulder top made of light cotton fabric. She was the picture of elegance, but her eyes told a different tale. One of boredom and sadness mingled within their midnight depths, eluding to the lack of joy that should have been there instead. 

In the days leading up to Litha, Sana's mother had passed away from illness and the man she was to wed. . . well, she had found him in the arms of another woman. So, no one could blame her for the dull mood she was currently in. All she wanted was the night to be over so she could return to the peace and quiet, secluded within her tiny cottage home. 

Sana made her way over to a wooden table seemingly void of any human presence, the past occupants having left their plates of food for the bugs and any animals that may have come their way. She sat down on the matching wooden chair, her dark gaze drifting to the multitude of people gathered around the bonfires. Songs were sung as people danced merrily around the raging flicker of the flames. Laughter and smiles mixed with that of languid conversations, rumors, and simple gossip about the fellow communion of witches and wizards around them. 

She wouldn't have been surprised if she had become part of the gossip dripping from word of mouth that night. Sana knew there was plenty there to gossip about. 

Sana dear. . . come join us by the bonfire! You're missing all the fun!" 

Sana's attention shifted from the bonfire festivities to the woman standing before her. 

A smile that rivaled the brightness of the sun and eyes of sky blue, they had to be a gift from the goddess herself. Chestnut brown hair flowed down the woman's back in waves, dotted in color by the wildflowers that adorned the thick locks. She was a bundle of energy, bursting with each bouncing step she took  and every excitable word that left her pink tinted lips. 

Haddie was her name and she had been a friend of the family's since she herself had been very young. Sana knew she was only attempting to distract her from the sorrows and misfortunes plaguing her life at the moment. Only, the attempt had been a failure even before she came over to try and coerce her into the pre-festival activities. It was a miracle anyone was going to last another twenty-four hours after tonight. 

"Thank you, Miss Haddie, but I think I'll sit this one out for now." 

"Are you sure? There's so much to do, won't you at least come join me for a dance?" 

A small smile was forced upon Sana's face, but she nodded to assure her friend that she would rather sit there than dance around the flames.  

"I'm certain. I'd like to just sit here for now and watch everything unfold, enjoy the peace as night greets us." 

"Alright, if you're certain. I'll come check on you later then." 

All Sana could do was continue to smile her reassurance and nod, thankful Haddie wasn't going to press the matter any further. At least not at that moment she wasn't, but she was grateful nonetheless. 

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