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Hayes Faulkner

His father had always been on his mind, and it had always bothered him. It shattered him to pieces. It broke him down every time he remembered. And it didn't take long to remember. All he had to do was look at his lower abdomen and see a tattoo.

The tattoo.

And sometimes in the mirror – his reflection sometimes reminded him of his father. The dark charcoal hair. The strong Roman nose. The chiselled jaw. The pursed, cautious lips. But not the eyes – the eyes were his mother's. The kind eyes. The welcoming, passionate, enveloping deep blue eyes.

And then there were the haunting dreams. The sleepless nights. The countless daydreams of the reoccurring nightmares. Always clouding his mind and affecting his thoughts.

Hayes Faulkner is still haunted by the past. And that tattoo, which he thought would help bring closure but now just leaves him confused and hurt. Yet he can never muster to destroy it – so, it destroys him slowly, but surely, more each day.

Every. Single. Day.

The tattoo – it was for them... in their memory.

The tattoo – it was a try at making things right.

A chance at moving on...

Hayes tried to move on, but it's so damn difficult that he always ends up back to square one everytime.

The tattoo








The loves of his life. The three he had loved and truly cared for - but which he had lost. Had seeped between his fingers – from his protection and hold. The ones he had to honour the memory of by adding the first letter of their name on his body.

They formed a name – they formed LE..A.

A clue. A sign. A chance at... moving on...

He obsessed over this although he had promised himself not to do so. He thought about it all the time.

He would stare at the name for hours on end. L.E.A.

Find her – have her – love her, his friend would say.

But where? Why?

Use it to find your soulmate, his friend had said that day when he had convinced Scott to get the tattoo. It's the only way - you've tried all the other ways. And all those attempts had been futile. It was true.

Find true love – to accept him and help him and care for him. To love him. He wanted to find the one. Find her.

Find Lea.

Their legacy. L.E.A. His future.

It was just a tattoo. And that was a lie. It was not just a tattoo.

It was the tattoo. The last chance he's got.

The tattoo - is the embodiment of pain, sorrow, and tears – but also the embodiment of fate, future, and foreseen love.

                                                                                             * * *

At first, they were just initials - just a memory - but then they became much more: they became a clue... a chance... a name.

They became Lea.

They became her.

But who was she?

He didn't know yet, but he couldn't wait to find out.



Author's Note

Thank you for clicking on this story! I initially (no pun intended) published this story in 2018, and it received a lot of positive praise. Because work and life got in the way, I never managed to complete it I could not get this over this story or let it go. 

So, over the years, I've researched and read a bunch of books and sources to help perfect this book and I've decided that I have to re-publish it - this time, with a much clearer structure in mind. I promise you won't be disappointed!

Show this book some votes if you're just as excited as I am! 


Laura x

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