Austria - 2

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Max and I were packing all our things up to now fly out to Austria. We'd spent the week lounging around, well I had, max spent the week on the simulator and streaming.

I was actually very excited to go to Austria, it had been years since I'd last been there and with it being a very special race to me I was buzzing. I would have stayed in the Netherlands longer but with Max having to fly out early for media stuff I thought I might as well tag along.

We were flying out on Monday as the team wanted Max around for a few decision that needed to be made. During the week off I received a message from Toto offering me my old room in his house which I immediately accepted. I missed Susie like hell, she was my mother figure growing up, I miss gossiping with her.

Max and I got to the airport and checked our bags in.
"Is it just me or do you hate security with a passion?" I ask Max as we head through the airport.
"Wouldn't say I love it." He laughs.

We filed through the windy barriers to the security area where both of us got through smoothly. I grabbed my bag and placed my electronics back inside as I waited for Max.
"I'm hungry." I say as we walk through duty-free.
"Same, let's get something to eat, we have what, An hour and a half till the flight, that's enough time for a bite to eat." He says dragging me in the direction of a restaurant where we quickly got something to eat.

I followed Max to our gate, we sat on the extremely uncomfortable metal benches as far away from people as we could get and chatted till it was time to board. Our flight was called to board so I gathered my bags followed by Max and we boarded the flight. As Max is rich and pays for my flights we had business class seats. I'm always spoiled when traveling with the f1. I was used to being in a coach with limited space, not a business class seat on an airplane.

I pretty much slept the entire flight and woke up just as we had to put our seatbelts back on to land.

We landed in Austria where Max and I split ways. Toto came and picked me up as Max was picked up by his driver. I hugged him goodbye as Toto gathered my bags up and put them in the car.
"Good flight?" Toto asks as he shuts the boot of the car.
"Yeah," I smile, "he booked business class, I've never flown in such a fancy seat before." I laugh.
"Just you wait till you fly first class." Toto chuckles as we drive off.


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liked by LewisHamilton and 87547 others
immy.almqvist guess who's in Austria 🤭

Toto looks so serious, I'm #scared

I think I just got the ick 🤢

:(( anyways see you at the track ;)


Toto pulled into the driveway of my basically childhood home and all the memories from when I was a kid flooded back into my mind. Toto got my bags out of the car as I took in my surroundings.
"Come on then." He laughs wheeling my bags up the driveway. I follow after him. The front door swings open and there was my 'mum'. Susie came running out and engulfed me in a hug.
"Look at how grown up you are!" She exclaims.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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