The Doppler Problem Part 1

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The sound of a sword swishing through the air and the splatter of blood marking the ground as Geralt fought a group of Nekkers, his movements were like of a dance as he swings his sword slicing up the Nekkers with each swing of his sword, one by one the Nekkers fell only leaving body parts and congealed blood from the creatures from his use of igni, he bagged up the parts and left the small misty woods to an open field where Roach was next to a small tree, he slowly made his way up the field carrying the large bag of Nekkers part's as it slowly gained a bottom from all the blood dripping into the bag, finally reaching Roach where she was nibbling on a patch of grass he pat's the horse as he mounted the bag on the saddle

Y/n: Did you get them

Geralt looked up noticing the boy sitting on a thick branch looking at him, three years had passed since they first met and joined the Witcher family and had been on the road with Geralt for the past few years until winter where they would rejoin everyone at Kaer Morhen and study on the monsters that they would engage during their travels

Geralt: I wouldn't be here if I didn't, come on down you come

Y/n slowly lowered himself down the tree and landed on Roach patting her on the neck as Geralt joined him and grabbed the rains guiding Roach towards the nearby town

Y/n: When can I get a horse

Geralt: When you learnt to look after Roach properly while I'm away, look, she's still covered in mud from yesterday

Y/n lets out a little sigh as they continued towards the town Y/n looked down at the mud that Roach had gathered up along her legs from traveling through the muddy area

Y/n: But I did it last week

Geralt: Your horse is just as important as your blade, they carry you and your gear all over the continent

Y/n: Yeah, yeah, I know

Geralt: Plus, you need to be able to get on the horse by yourself

Geralt gave off a small smirk as the boy looked at him sticking his tongue out at the Witcher, as they entered the small town to turn in the bounty on the Nekkers and set off once more towards Novigrad

You pig! You plague-stricken warbler! You trickster!

Geralt and Y/n their interest piqued, Geralt led his mare around the corner of the alleyway, before he located the source of the screams, a deep, stickily glassy clink joined
them. A large jar of cherry preserve, thought the Witcher. A jar of cherry preserve
makes that noise when you throw it at somebody from a great height or with great
force. He remembered it well when he lived with Yennefer she would occasionally
throw jars of preserve at him in anger. Jars she had received from clients.
Yennefer had no idea how to make preserveher magic was fallible in that

A large group of onlookers had formed around the corner outside a narrow,
pink-painted cottage, a young, fair haired woman in a nightdress was standing on
a tiny balcony decorated with flowers, just beneath the steep eaves of the roof.
Bending a plump, fleshy arm, visible beneath the frills of her nightdress, the woman hurled down a chipped flowerpot at a slim man in a plum bonnet with a white feather jumped aside like a scalded cat and the flowerpot crashed onto the ground just in front of him, shattering into pieces.

Please, Vespula! Don’t lend credence to the
gossip! I was faithful to you, may I perish if it is not true!

You bastard! You son of the Devil! You wretch!

The plump blonde yelled and went back into the house, no doubt in search of further missiles.

Geralt: Hey, Dandelion

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