It All Begins Here | 1

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1561 words. Proofread. Enjoy!

The sun rose lazily over the orange horizon, which signaled my cue to wake up. My eyes opened to a hazy pink sky as I yawned. My mouth opened wide as I let out a gentle groan and sat up in my bed. I slid to the side and off the bed, leaving a crumpled mess of a blanket behind.

"Ahh. . . Good morning to you too world." I glanced at my analog alarm seeing that it was still only 6:32. I put my school uniform and jeans over my stark naked body and then slid my socks on, running my fingers along the edge of my wooden wardrobe. I walked down the hall through the moderately sized house to the bathroom, yawning once more before I reached it. My hands reached for both my toothpaste and toothbrush, sliding some toothpaste over the toothbrush end smoothly as I activated the automatic brushing. I brushed for just under 30 seconds before spitting out the toothpaste and gurgling water in my mouth. I ducked my head down and turned on the faucet, splashing water over my face.

"Ah, that was great! I feel alive now." I did a running sprint out of the bathroom now, almost sliding and falling, then leaping to the banister as I do a running jump over it onto halfway down the stairs, and then jump the other half falling on my toes safely onto the hard wooden floor of the first floor. I keep up a steady pace of walking, slower now, as I seamlessly open the fridge and take out some milk and eggs and then close it in one movement. I crack the 2 eggs on the counter, leaving their insides on a pan as I turn on the stove. I look at the clock hanging off the wall and read the time, 6:34. Within minutes my breakfast is done after pouring out the remaining fifth of the carton into my cup and I chug it all down, then eat the eggs in just a few bites. I throw my vest on as always and look at the lonely house once more before throwing my backpack on and jumping down the few stairs and over the railing in front of my front door, just barely locking and closing it with the tip of my fingers.

I walk down the sidewalk under a bright sun sliding out my phone to see that it's still 6:41. Still and hour and 19 minutes before homeroom starts. I go to the local newspaper office and pick up the daily one to deliver to a few houses. I run and blast off into a sprint, weaving in and out of pedestrians as I hit the busiest Yokohama streets, alive and bustling even this early in the morning. A car flies past me as I cross the street in a matter of seconds, then another, not caring for the lights when I'm this fast. I toss the papers on the way onto the front porches of the scheduled houses, even doing a little fancy footwork on the way. My eyes fly around as I look at the watch on my left arm. 6:54. I keep moving as thread the needle through people, causing gasps of surprises as I burst through, running to the post office and following up with a few rounds, delivering as always, at incredible speeds. 7:18. I pant heavily, sweating at going full speed with a warm vest with a thick school uniform and a large bag, even in early morning, is never a good idea within spring. I take a moment to catch my breath before starting to walk to school having finished early morning routines.

I breathe in the cool, fresh air of the morning of Yokohama, smelling the salty air of the sea as well as I now walk, relaxed with everything done. A cat walks by me, and I bend down, rubbing behind its ears, and I continue on. Just 31 minutes later, I arrive at the school. I enter the lobby and go to the locker area as I switch shoes as is required and begin walking to my home room. I walk into it and see a few people, but not too many yet as I wave hi to my few acquaintances in the room and sit down in my seat next to the window as I stare out at the now risen sun, casting a bright light upon the earth. I set down my bag to the right of my desk leg and pull out a fidget toy, spinning it and fiddling with it looking at the football field.

"Huh," I murmur, "maybe that'd make me feel alive. I'll try applying later. It's really late in the year now to apply though, we only have about 4 months out of 10 left. Eh, I'll see."  The bell rings and the homeroom teacher begins taking attendance. I raise my hand when called, and when the next bell rings, I'm out of the class, walking dully to the next one. The next 5 periods pass like this before 6th period lunch, and I'm out of the room bolting down the 2 flights of stairs, jumping a few to save some seconds as I'm first to the cafeteria. I get my regular lunch of some rice and some of the meat available and look at the desert section, where to my delight, the best food in the world, cheesecake is there.

"Yessss," I say to myself, heaping the largest slice I can find onto my plate, then sneaking another before running away before the cafeteria workers notice. I sit down and shovel down my rice and meat, which I now see is some basic pork, and take out my water bottle, chugging half of it and finishing my main meal in under 5 minutes. I put my hands together and then I digging into the brilliant cheesecake, and I finish that in just over a minute. I smile, satisfied, as I spy the ice cream in the vending machine fridge being back, as I then race to the fridge, happy that there's barely a line, and get myself a good old vanilla ice cream, the second best food. I gobble it down and for the rest of the period, read a bit at my table, alone, and contemplate whether I should join the football team or not. I finally decide to, and set my mind on it for the end of the day while thinking about what I could do.

Just an hour and a half later, I'm out of class on the third floor, dirt flying up in my wake and the sun shining brilliantly at 2:25 after homeroom as I jump the last 1/3 flight of stairs and dash to the football field locker area where I see many muscular guys, most shorter, a few around my height, and 1 sole person taller than me. He's giving out orders, so I suppose he's the captain, and I walk up to him and ask to join.

"Huh? You want to join? Aren't you that loner kid who sits in the corner?" He grunts.

"Yep! I was hoping this would make me feel alive!" I say cheerfully.

"This isn't a child's playground loser, get out! We don't care about simpletons who only join because they think they have a hidden talent!" He says, almost ending at a scream with the rest of the club looking at us 2.

"Well I am pretty fast, give me a shot, I'll go one on one with you! Come on, how could it hurt you?" I say, attempting to sound as convincing as possible.

He thinks for a moment, and then mutters, "fine, but if you lose, I never want to see you here again."

"Aye aye cap'n," I say, blasting onto the field and dropping my bag and vest to the side. "Let's play." My eyes focus as he drops the ball in the middle and we both go to 15 feet away on both sides, our respective goals behind us. And boom, the countdown from another member of the team finishes as I run rapidly to the ball, catching the captain by surprise as I take it and smoothly execute a turn around him, blasting past and making an undefended shot to his goal, sinking in an easy point. He gets the ball, and we begin again. He wordlessly dashes forward, then slides to the left and then to right and tries to run past me. 

Was that supposed to be a feint? I think, as I see it unfold and simply get the ball away from him with ease, kicking it up and doing a scorpion trap to catch it, then running past him again, but this time, he rises to the occasion and gets in front of me. I pretend to run to the right as he slides to block me as I kick the ball up with the side of my foot, then trap it as I turn then block him from moving on me, but he pushed through, and I easily feint him to the right then left, dribbling so close to him that he collapses on the ground.

"And that, is how you do a feint. Loser," I say, my E/C extra saturated. "Want to keep going and made a fool of?"

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