Part I: Reunited and it feels horrible.

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Louis Tomlinson was a normal lad who didn't have a valentine on Valentine's Day. He didn't plan on having one on that specific day because he really didn't have anyone that was super special like that to him. But he couldn't find himself to even care about it. He had pretty much given up all hope to even find someone after his last boyfriend.

Louis saw the stupid hearts, the stupid cards, the stupid balloons, and all of the other stupid things related to Valentine's Day, while walking along the not-so-crowded sidewalk of downtown London. He sighed, not seeing the point of all of the decorations for the holiday.

Before a certain event with his ex-boyfriend, Louis loved Valentine's Day. He would love to see other couples happy, and he loved getting chocolate on sale, too. He loved to receive little gifts from his mother and his boyfriend at the time. It made him feel this warm feeling inside his tummy and it made him feel loved, wanted, appreciated. But that one event plagued his life forever to where he couldn't feel normal anymore love or adoration for the holiday. It just wasn't the same.

Louis ended up deciding to ignore the decorations and sales of gifts, simply because he needed to get home to watch Once Upon A Time on Netflix. The show was one of his absolute favorites. Even though he wasn't exactly straight, Louis had to admit he was kind of smitten with Regina. She was hot. But he just decided, then and there, that he would spend the holiday at home, alone, eating pizza and binge-watching Netflix. That sounded like heaven to Louis.

Louis' phone brought him back to reality by buzzing with a text, so he could see a taxi coming down the street. He stuck his hand out to wave the taxi over, which he thankfully succeeded in. Louis sighed happily and slid into the empty taxi, closing the door behind him.

But after Louis slid, rather gracefully, into the taxi, another man stumbled into the taxi after him. Louis would have been mad, he would've, but this man... This man was very fit and very handsome. He was tall and slender, yet he had this muscular look to his body. This man also donned shoulder-length chocolatey brown hair that had a small wave to it. His clothes screamed, "I have a sense of fashion!" with nice skinny jeans and a sheer, floral button-up that showed off his tanned chest and tattoos. Louis couldn't help but like that.

"Oh, uh... sorry, mate! I'll just catch ano-" the man tried to apologize, before Louis cut him off.

"No! Uh... I mean, no, it's fine. We can ride together." Louis' knees almost buckled at the deep voice of the other, but he had to compose himself. He read the look on the other man's face, which was surprised, and smiled to the other man.

"Oh... thanks," the man directed towards Louis, before he turned to the taxi driver and mumbled his address out. And Louis knew exactly where it was because he used to live in the house right beside that one.

"Wait, you live on Coventry Road?" Louis asked the gorgeous man, admiring the confused look that came onto his face.

"Yeah, I've lived there since I was two. 'S what my mum has told me."

Louis now recognized the face. That stupid face that he fell in love with all those years ago. Harry had really changed. But what if it wasn't Harry? No... it had to be.

Louis wrestled over and over again in his mind whether or not it was Harry, while the taxi drove on and the man beside Louis waited patiently for Louis to answer him. If Louis was even going to answer him at all.

Louis finally gathered his wits to answer the man as they were pulling up to his house. "Uh, what was your name again?"

The other man smiled at Louis before holding out his hand, "Harry Styles. Nice to meet you..." And as Louis heard that name, all of their past memories flooded into his brain. Those past memories also included the rage that Louis had pent up for years after what happened with Harry.

Louis ignored the hand held out to him and he practically spat out his next words to the man that he could feel the hate rising into his stomach for this stupid, stupid man that he wanted to punch in the face.

"You really don't remember me? After all that happened, Harry?" And Louis couldn't help the small bit of satisfaction that erupted in his brain after he saw a look of guilt flash over his face.

Harry stared at Louis for a moment in silence, then started fumbling around for his wallet, "Um, uh... Sorry, Louis. I have to go now." Harry tossed the money to the taxi driver and quickly told him to keep the change. While getting out, he bumped his head on the door frame and mumbled a quiet "shit" and a "sorry, mate." Louis rolled his eyes at that and found his wallet to go ahead and get the money out to pay for where he needed to go. And uh-oh...

"Um, I'm so sorry, but I don't have cash on me. Would you happen to have a credit card machine?" Louis asked, seriously hoping that this cab had one. The last thing he wanted was to be stranded where Harry lives. He could see his mum, but that wasn't the point.

"No. Now if you can't pay me, then you need to get out!" And after that, Louis was scrambling out of the taxi, extremely frustrated with the stupid driver.

And the driver doesn't have to know that Louis flipped him off and yelled a few choice words at him while he was driving away. Louis turned around to see Harry at his mailbox, retrieving his mail like a little puppy that Louis couldn't help but resent.

Harry was looking at Louis and Louis was standing there awkwardly with his hands in his pockets. "Why didn't you go home?" Harry decided to ask Louis.

Louis did not want to respond to Harry, but his sassy side decided to take over. "I just wanted to continue to see your lovely face, Styles."

Harry laughed at that. He laughed. And now Louis was a little bit more mad. "There's the old Tommo I used to know. Wanna come inside for some tea? Mum isn't gonna be home for a bit," Harry offered to Louis, while looking through the few bills and stupid adverts that came in the post.

Now Louis was fuming. If there was such a thing as seeing steam fly out of someone's ears, it would be coming out of Louis's.

"Really, asshole? You want to invite me in for tea, now? After all this time? After all that happened? You know, you haven't changed one bit..." Louis mumbled the last little bit, but the other parts were practically yelled to the man that was only a few feet away from him. "But you know what? You make good tea, and my feet are killing me, so I will come inside. But for the record, I still hate you. And I always will."

Louis walked past Harry and to the door of his quaint, little house. In actuality, Harry's "quaint, little house" was anything but little and quaint. The house was quite large. It was a two story brick house, and it was one of those houses that looked small on the outside, but was much bigger on the inside. Harry followed Louis to the door and opened it to reveal a clean, yet homey, living room that opened up directly to a long hallway that lead to the kitchen, living room, and dining room. Louis took off his shoes in the hallway and kicked them to the side, not really caring if it was rude or not, and walked into the living room to settle himself into where he would always sit in the past. Harry just went straight into the kitchen to start up the kettle for the tea. Louis sat there thinking about the last time that he was in this house and on this couch. Honestly, Louis had shut those thoughts out of his mind for a while, but now, he decided to let them come back for a little while.

Just a little while...






Hi everyone! I'm Kate and Megan will probably talk in the next chapter or something like that. We're co-writing this little novel one chapter at a time. Which ever chapter we write, we will put our name at the bottom or the top of it. But that really doesn't matter. I really hope you enjoyed this chapter and hopefully the next one will be up soon! ~Kate xx

( E D I T E D by K A T E )

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