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"Get out. Get out you lying whore. That bastard inside you CANNOT be his. Tell her Thomas! TELL HER!"  She screamed at him, her eyes full of fire and jealousy.

He looked at his sister. Surely she could hear how harsh she sounded. Surely she could forgive his indiscretion? What harm would it do to look after the child and it's mother? They had plenty of money and Emily had nothing and now unwed and pregnant, even less. But there were his sister's feelings to consider. There were ALWAYs his sister's feelings to consider. She had taken care, very CLOSE care, of him for a very long time. He was torn.

"Please?" Emily begged, "please.. I love you... you said you loved me... you said we would be together..." she grabbed at his sleeve and he shook her off. She gasped and covered her mouth with her hands in despair.

He closed his eyes and hardened his expression. "Emily you must leave.  Leave and don't come back. If you know what's good for you. Don't. Come. Back." he couldn't tell her he didn't love her.  He couldn't lie.

He closed the door on her tears and leaned against it, heart pounding. She would never know the narrow escape she'd just had. He looked at his sister who nodded and smiled warmly. She came and kissed his cheek, lingering for a fraction too long. "It's for the best. I know it and you know it.  You can't afford to be saddled with a brat. Not when we have so much yet to accomplish. Now, I'm going to make some tea. Would you like a cup?" she stroked his cheek softly then walked away.  He winced as she turned away, his disgust evident.  At her, at himself.

She walked off to the kitchen and as he watched her go,  he slumped to sit on the floor, hands covering his face. What had he done. "Oh God, forgive me!" He cried out loud to no-one in particular, least of all a God that no longer seemed to exist. "Emily. Forgive me my love." He sat, devastated, biting his knuckles....

Silence descended save for the wailing of the girl on the other side of the door...

"And that's a wrap! Have a great weekend people!"  The director called and a bell rang.

The set sprang to life as Tom stood up and smiled weakly, wiping the emotional tears from his face.  He may have the ability to cry on demand, but he didn't have the ability not to feel at least some of the emotion.  Jess walked back into shot and patted his arm on the way by. "Good first week Tom. Really enjoyed it. See you Monday?"

"Yeah, Monday. Bye sister dear!" He smiled and walked to his trailer. 

As he passed "Emily" he hugged her and kissed her cheek.  "Well done, you were terrific.  If you ever need someone to speak for you..." he smiled and she blushed.

"Th-thankyou , it's been a pleasure. Maybe one day we'll work together again." She smiled and he nodded.

"I'd enjoy that. Good luck darling. See you again!" The actress walked off, feeling ten feet tall.  It had only been a tiny introductory scene and her first film role, but opposite those two greats? What better start could she have hoped for.  Hiddlescharm had worked again.

Tom smiled to himself, he remembered what it was like on his first set. Everything was new and scary.  But so exciting. Even now, it still was. This one especially, this was going to be fun.  Period drama with the emphasis on drama.  They'd only used a skeleton crew this week to get the first few scenes done.  On Monday, full production started.  He looked forward to meeting everyone, including the people who were about to make this flimsy ghost world real. He only hoped it was someone with as much passion for details and the minutiae of life as him.

Cassandra Henderson - Cash to her friends - was looking forward to her first solo role as historical advisor.  A new film was being shot on location near her. What she didn't know about late Victorian Britain wasn't really worth knowing. A double first degree in History and Socio-economics had given her an interest in late 19th - early 20th century Britain.

Her parents  had despaired. What use was THAT in the real world? She'd given up a stable but ultimately boring job in finance to go to University. Pembroke College, Cambridge no less, but she hadn't gone there for the kudos, just for the quality. Yesterday was so much more interesting than today. There was nothing the modern world had to offer that would tempt her away from her Dad's accusation of living in a dusty world of people long dead.  At least they couldn't hurt you.  At least they didn't let you down. At least they didn't use you and leave you for someone two-thirds your age and twice your bust size. At kicking on mid-thirties, she had the cold cynicism of a much older and hardened soul.  

Now, her dusty, dry and safe world was about to become very real for her.  More to the point though, one man was about to make it VERY real by joining her there.  The burning question was would he also tempt her back into his?  Only time - and his legendary charm - would tell.

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