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"And then I almost kissed her. Yes. Really. Calm yourself. I didn't do it." he broke off as the door opened, the smiling figure of Jess stood in the doorway and he put a hand over the phone "be there in a moment Jess, just reassuring my darling little sister that not only am I alive, I have a functioning brain."

Jess waved a hand and retreated to her own trailer. Tom and his sister were notoriously monstrous to each other but only because they loved each other dearly.  He called her a little harpie,apparently - she'd never heard it, but she DID know that Emma called him golden retriever. And Jess agreed!  Although, at the moment, with his pale skin and jet-black hair, he was more like Loki than Goldie.

Tom turned back to his conversation. "I dont know. It was just a moment. No, I know. Not every woman is in love with me. Believe me, I know that for damn sure. Look at T....." he turned towards the door as it opened again."WHAT!?!" He called loudly, "I just said to Jess I was coming! Just wait, will you?" He spoke more sharply than he'd intended and instantly felt terribly guilty.  He was rewarded with a little gasp and a hurried "sorry" as the diminutive figure closed the door immediately.

"Fuck a duck!" He cursed, "need to go Emms, just messed up someone's day. Need to go prostrate myself.  Later, Harpie child." He blew a kiss into the phone and stuck it into the pocket of his morning coat.

Picking up his wire-rimmed sunglasses, he put them on with a sigh. If only he hadn't been daydreaming about Cash again. He felt guilty every time he did, and that seemed to have been a great deal over the last few days.  It made him forgetful, made him rude, it seemed. Smoothing down the cravat that nestled at his neck, he pulled the cuffs down on his shirt and undid the bottom button on his waistcoat.  He looked in the mirror and nodded. Costume had done him proud, and with the little notes Cash had left for them, he knew he would look the part.

He turned and walked to the door. A final touch was the silver topped cane. He picked it up and opened the door. Perhaps whoever it was would be kind enough to accept a heartfelt apology.

He walked out and down the steps. They were standing with their back to him a couple of feet from the bottom.  His heart plummeted.  Of all the people....

"Cash? Cash? Oh god, I'm so sorry, love. I really didn't mean to shout at you. I was just, ..." he broke off as she turned to face him. Her face was a white mask of restrained emotion.  Inscrutable other than the suspicious sparkle in her eyes. 

"It's ok, Tom, I understand. It's me who should apologise. I had no right to just barge in, I forgot myself. It was just Jess asked me to chase you up, and I thought..actually no, I wasn't thinking.  Please, let's just pretend nothing happened.  Be easier that way.  Now, apparently, you're needed on set.  See you later." She smiled and walked away.  She hadn't looked at his face once. 

He didn't see her again for the rest of the day.  Well, no. That was a convenient lie, he told himself.  He avoided her for the rest of the day. He felt terrible, and it had nothing to do with the flu.

Luke found her sitting in the production office nursing some of the effluent they'd tried to pass off as coffee again. She had a face like a wet weekend. Seeing him enter, she looked up and smiled. It didn't reach her eyes.

"Hi!" She said with faux brightness. "How are you doing?"

"Better than you, it would seem." He came and sat opposite her. "What's up, Chicken Licken? Sky fallen on your head?"

"Oh nothing, just been one of those days." She didn't want to tell him she'd messed up, and she couldn't tell him she'd subsequently spent most of the day hiding from Tom, trying not to cry. "At least it's over. I'm off home. Are you here for Tom?"

He nodded, "Yeah, I don't normally run a taxi service, although god knows I do everything else, but we have an interview to do tonight.  Press for an upcoming series for Apple. Won't take long. I shouldn't think. Something to eat after then home to bed, ready to do it all again tomorrow." He paused for a moment. "You could come?" He looked at her, and for a moment, he thought he saw a flicker of a smile. "

"No, thank you though, I know how much of a privilege that is, but no, I have things to do tonight." She was lying through her teeth, but she didn't want to put Luke, Tom - or herself - into any awkward spots.

Luke shrugged,"Ok, if you're sure?" He looked at her again and suddenly saw a single tear emerge from the corner of her eye.  Before he had a chance to ask, she was up on her feet and heading to the door. 

"See you soon." She called out. Luke got the distinct impression that was the last thing she was hoping for. 

Standing up, scratching his head both physically and metaphorically, he went in search of his charge.  He found Tom sitting talking to Jess in her trailer. He bore a distinct likeness to a certain wet weekend he'd not long  said goodnight to.

"What's up with you?" He asked."Hi Jess, you ok?"

Jess smiled and raised a hand in greeting. He could see she held Tom's in her other one.  "Right, time for me to hand you over to your responsible adult."  She indicated to Tom there was someone behind him.  Tom turned, and Luke almost burst out laughing. Oh dear God, if these two could only see each other! 

Tom stood and walked away with him, having given Jess a hug and a peck on the cheek as he left. "Thanks Jess, appreciate you listening. See you tomorrow."

"So Mr Face Like A Smacked Bum, what's happened and why do I feel like it involves our resident historian?"

"Jesus Luke, just come out and say it why don't you? I mean, why beat about the bush when you can beat me to a fecking pulp." 

Luke got the feeling he was only half joking.

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