Welcome to Gravity Falls!

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(Y/N) POV:

School was finally over, meaning I could relax and destress for a little while before the hell begins again. Luckily, the next year of high school would be my last. Then I'd most likely take a gap year before starting college. 

My younger siblings, Dipper and Mabel, were really excited for this summer because they were finally turning 13 at the end of August. I remember how excited I was when I turned 13. The excitement stopped when a certain monthly issue started a couple months later. I'll have to sit down at some point and prepare Mabel for that, so she doesn't get too freaked out when it suddenly happens.

Instead of the usual laid-back summer in my room with AC, books, and the occasional fun day with the twins, our parents decided to send us to live with our great uncle, who I've never even met or even heard of. The catch was, he lived in Oregon. So, getting there entailed a long bus ride. Besides not hearing of this Stan Pines, I've never even heard of this town. Then again, I'm not much for geography and memorizing town names so I guess it wasn't so weird.

Our uncle owned a tourist trap called 'The Mystery Shack'. It was kinda cool, I guess. Had some weird stuff which I can appreciate since I myself am weird. The attractions were obviously fake though but tourists are gullible. Or maybe they don't mind that these things are fake and just find it fun.

Anyway, quick synopsis on me and my younger siblings.

Mabel is bright and cheerful. She always looks on the bright side of things and isn't afraid to express her unique personality, which I love about her. Mabel also happens to have an extremely creative mind when it comes to anything remotely crafty or artistic. I must have like 12 different sweaters from her, at least. 

Next is my younger brother and Mabel's twin, Dipper. That's not his actual name though, it's just a nickname he's had for a long time. Unlike Mabel, Dipper is on the more pessimistic side and can be a bit paranoid. He enjoys science and anything supernatural. I've watched a lot of ghost hunting shows and have gone on mock ghost hunts with him over the years. 

And then there's me. If I had to describe myself, I guess you could say I was a balance between the two. Mabel and I enjoy doing girl things together while Dipper and I do nerd things together. It was safe to say that I have a good relationship with both of them. I was also mediator during their twin fights as I was an unbiased party in their drama.

Anyway, back to the topic of spending summer with a family member we know almost nothing about.

"Hey, Grunkle Stan. Does Gravity Falls have a bookstore or library I can visit?" I asked as he was going over some papers.

"Yeah, there should be a library. Just wander around town for a while and you should find it," he told me, waving me off.

"Um, thanks? I said, wishing I had been given more detailed directions.

I exited the shack to see Mabel and Dipper messing around.

"Alright kiddos, I'm heading into town to find a library that may or may not exist. Don't get into too much trouble while I'm gone," I told them, ruffling their hair.

"Got it!" they both gave me a thumbs up as I walked away.

3rd person:

The oldest Pines girl finally reached town after a brisk walk through the forest. Her immediate impression was that it looked like any other small town. Nothing remarkable in all honesty. Thankfully it was small enough that (Y/N) wouldn't have to wander around too long to find the library.

She was right. After about 10 minutes, (Y/N) had located a building that said 'Gravity Falls Library'. As she walked in, she didn't notice a group of boys around her age standing nearby. One of them pointed her out to the others.

Summer Lovin' (Male OC! x reader) Gravity Falls FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now