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Everything went black, the man staggered backward, a cyan outline of a figure stood a few feet away. The surroundings too blurry to comprehend.

"This transformation will be mostly painless." The girl finished her sentence, her straight black hair slightly swaying in the wind.

The man took a few steps backward, then spoke.

"I won't... I won't help you with your plan," He began, taking quick breaths between words. "not like this." He finished his sentence as the woman grinned with malice.

"Then I'll simply use brute force." She scoffed, snapping her fingers. A bright blue flash blinded the man for a moment as his head tilted down.

When he looked back up, bright figures of the same color surged toward him and his stomach dropped.

"No, you can't possibly... you can't possibly do this!" He muttered, hyperventilating as the silhouettes wrapped around his arms and legs, pulling him to his knees as he writhed and fought. Time seemed to slow down.

Is this how I'll die? What have I truly got to lose..?

As he thought, he realized exactly how much he had on the line.

Him. He could not lose him.

The man's fear quickly turned into rage, he screamed, trying to land a punch on the woman, he wouldn't let her make a widow of his husband.

His right arm managed to free itself from the figure, winding back and zooming toward the woman's face.

The woman lifted her hand, catching the punch with a triumphant smile still on her face.

He felt a sharp, stabbing pain emerging from his chest as his eyes widened, slowly looking down to see one of the figures had struck him with a sharp appendage.

His eyes weakly shut, as everything went bright cyan.

Out of the Blue [toxicinsanity/syntax x mayor]Where stories live. Discover now