Other Dimesion

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As I finally got out the portal I found myself in some sort of forest.

y/n: "This is definitely not the most comfortable place I woke up in."

I quickly checked my surroundings with my visor and there weren't any enemies.

y/n: "Welp at least I'm not surrounded by villains."

I spot some kind of building so I activated my invisibility and grappeled up there.

There were some kind of workers there, but of course they couldn't see me.

Suddenly I see a kid in a too small costume and a grown man in sweatpants and some sort of superhero sweater.

The grown man threw a bagel to the kid and he threw it at a worker.

y/n whispering: "Bro will have his villain arc."

Suddenly a lady with tentacles chases after them and my invisibilty runs out.

y/n: "Bruce didn't tell me this suit can run out of invisibility."

Right as one of her tentacles was about to grab the kid i intervented and activated my electrical discharges which disallowed her to grab me.

Crazy tentacle lady: "Interes-" 

I interrupted her by throwing an explosive batarang at her.

I flew to the kid and guy in sweat pants.

??: "You know this guy?"


y/n: "Well I'm Batman and maybe if I'll trust you guys more i'll reveal my real name."

Spider Man: "I'm Spider Man"

Miles: "I'm Miles Morales"

y/n: "Did you really just reveal your name and last name to someone who you don't even know if you can trust?"

Miles:  "Well you saved me from Doc Ock didn't you?"

y/n: "Maybe I'm a villain that just doesn't like her?"

y/n thinking: "so Doc Ock's her name."

y/n: "Welp you're lucky kid since in my dimension I'm a hero."

Spider Man: "Sorry to interupt you guys, but she's back!"

I look behind me and he was right. I tried throwing my normal batarangs at her, but she catched them.

Then I threw an electric batarang and she catched it too, however her tentacle got stunned.

y/n: "Guys her weakness is electricity so it would be so awesome and cool if by any chance one of you two have electricity as one of your powers."

Spider Man: "Well we're lucky since Miles has electricity."

Miles: "I can't do it on command."

y/n: "That's fine we've all been there."

Then I throwed four electric batarangs at her tentacles stunning all of them and threw a normal batarang at her.

y/n: "This should buy us some time."

Suddenly me and Spider Man started glitching.

y/n: "I've never missed Neo Gotham more than now."


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