Chapter 6

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Lauren POV

I wonder what it's like to have all your dreams come true. To have everything you ever hoped for happen. But I guess you have to work for your dream. Just like Christina did for her dream and it came true. My sisters and I are all in a band and I know she couldn't ask for anything else. Me, I'm not too sure what my dream is. I mean, I'm only 14!

I span the computer chair around a few times. I'm feeling kind of hyper. Which is rare so I better make the most of it.

I logged onto my Facebook and screamed. I saw Dani at the computer next to me jump in her seat.

"What?!" She said, quickly facing me.

"Oh, I just went on Facebook..." I replied vaguely.

She laughed and gave me this weird look before turning back to her computer. Amy came into the room and Dani started to play the mashup 'Whistle Down'. They both started lip syncing and dancing at the same time.

"Whatcha doing skinny?" I called over and she didn't reply. "Dani did you see my message?"

"Lauren I'm recording," She said, not looking away from the computer.

"No way," I said sarcastically.

I saw Angela appear in my mentions on twitter and she sent me a tweet.

"@LaurenCimorelli girl I haven't seen you in ages"

"@SincerelyAngiee I know! When are you coming over next?"

Dani had just posted the video of her and Amy dancing on her YouTube and tweeted a link to it. Typical Dani. Her and Amy left the room to go, who knows where.

My mentions lit up again and I saw that Angela had replied to my tweet.

"@LaurenCimorelli just checked and I can come by this weekend. That time good?"

"@SincerelyAngiee I'm getting my wisdom teeth out then so you can come. Mwahaha #magicpills"

"@LaurenCimorelli hmm... This could be interesting. I'll call you and hopefully see you this weekend! :D"

I heard the door creak open but I didn't bother to turn around. Probably one of my siblings again.

"Lisa, can you toss me my keys?" I heard Dad say.

I picked up his keys that were next to the computer and tossed them to him. "I'm not Lisa, Dad," I laughed

"Oh sorry. You both have black hair and look the same from behind," he chuckled

"Oh wow, thanks Dad," I said sarcastically.

"Not a problem. And your Mum wants you downstairs, Angela called," he said, before leaving the room.

I logged out of my Twitter and Facebook before shutting the computer off. I made my way to the kitchen and found Mum talking into her phone.

"The girls haven't seen each other in ages! I'll talk to you soon. Okay. Bye," Mum said before hanging up the phone. "That was Angela's mum. Angela's coming by on Friday since she has a day off school and she'll be staying till Sunday,"

"Really? That was quick. I was just talking to her a few minutes ago," I laughed

"Yeah well, you and your best friend will be reunited in 2 days," she smiled

"And I'll also be getting my wisdom teeth out in 3 days," I said

Mum laughed before leaving the room. I sipped some water from my cup whilst leaning on the counter.

"Oh look a hobo," Dani said, walking into the kitchen

"Wow," I said sarcastically."Angela's coming over on Friday,"

"Yeah, I saw the tweets," she laughed

"And I saw your 'Whistle Down' video," I replied with a smirk

"Well played young grasshopper," she said

I laughed and put my cup in the sink. Wisdom teeth out in three days? Here come the fat cheeks...


I'm having a mental blank and I'm not sure what I should write about next. Amy's and Lauren's storyline should get interesting pretty soon :) If you have any suggestions, comment below :) Thanks for reading and remember to comment, fan and vote! -ithinkitstrisha :) x

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