Back To The Old Days

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Castiel and I looked at each other with bewilderment. We had both just remembered what Luceifer did, it was like some kind of telepathic message.
We both knew what was going to happen, Luceifer would regain power and roast the universe alive- permanently.
"Meg, we both know that there are hundreds of seals, but if 66 of them are broken, Luceifer will regain power and start the end of times." Castiel said.
"I know, we need to stop that from happening and stop any of his followers." I replied.
I wasn't worried though, I wasn't one of Luceifer's followers, and I wasn't on a side. If Luceifer does make it out of the cage, I don't think I would survive. I can't remember everything about my past, but I knew there was conflict between me and Luceifer, something wasn't right between us.
Castiel and I stood there thinking for a moment. Castiel paced the pavement.
"If we are going to do as you say, we need to get started immediately." Castiel walked over to me and placed a hand on my forehead trying to kill me.
But nothing happened.
"You don't have the juice." I said smiling as if I were victorious.
Castiel pulled me closer to him, making eye contact with me. I stared into his bright, blue, puppy dog eyes. I leaned in closer, and my lips were inches away from his. My eyes started fluttering, and my lips leaned in for a kiss.
Instead of snogging me, Castiel threw me down to the ground and ran away.

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