The train gone wild

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Chapter 1

Monkie king more known as wukong, might have lied to his friends. Were there really only three rings? Maybe, maybe not.

Redson scrambled backward with the rest of the group as Nezha cut through the train, causing it to go off course. While he planted on the floor, he heard Wukong growl and jump out from the train supposedly to go fight Nezha.

"Redson, let's go!" Mk yelled to him as they were climbing to the top of the fallen train. He got up slowly, using his arms to push him up. When he got on one knee, he could see the flashing lights of Wukong and Nezha fighting for the rings. Deciding to ignore the fight, he stood up and grabbed onto Sandys hand that was hanging. Sandy then felt Redsons' weirdly hot hands, flinging him up as he felt his hands getting warmer. Redson landed on the roof of the train and took in his surroundings, seeing Mk, Mei, Tang, and the others jumping off from the crashed train on the edge of the mountain.

Before they all left, Redson hurried over and jumped down and slid down the mountain like the rest of the group. Once they hit the bottom, they started running towards the one mountain with structures on it.

Eventually, they made it, tang and pigsy going up to the post that they laid the map on. Nothing happened.

Until Macaque landed harshly on the rocky floor. Making it shake, causing Mk and Redson to wobble slightly in the background.

"Tang do the thing!" He yelled. Redson noticed how he was weirdly covered in ice, but deciding that's not what to focus on yet, he shook his head and focused on Mei who was standing in the circle that laid in the middle of the massively raised rocks.

"What thing?!" Tang screamed back in confusion, his voice high and raspy as ever.

Wukong soon appeared with Nezha right next to him, ice shavings still left on their body. "Wait!" He yelled out, sticking his hand outward to try and stop Tang or Macaque. But nothing could stop what would happen. It was destiny.

Chapter 1 finished
Word count: 366

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2023 ⏰

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