one. the lupin family

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IT WAS A QUIET evening in the Lupin household. Iris was immersed in her book while her father, Remus, tended to dinner. Pasta was on the menu—a Sunday tradition in their home.

Iris Lupin was the quiet member of their small family. Her reserved nature often concealed her many admirable qualities, such as her wit, her love for drawing, and, above all, her passion for reading.

Reading was Iris's solace, a realm where she could escape into different worlds. Remus understood this well; whenever he had the means, he would procure new books for her, knowing the joy they brought her.

"Iris darling, dinner!" Remus's voice called from the other room. Iris closed her book and rose from her seat, her woolen socks cushioning her steps as she made her way to the table.

Seated across from her father at their modest wooden table, Iris observed as he served their plates. She couldn't help but smile at the portion he had prepared for her. He knew her tastes and preferences intimately, a testament to their close bond forged over years of shared moments.

The initial silence of their meal was broken by Remus's attempt at conversation. "How is your book?" he inquired, his eyes sparkling with genuine interest. Iris's grin widened; she always appreciated his inquiries, knowing he was genuinely curious about her interests.

She described her current read, "The Shining" by Stephen King, a muggle book Remus had picked up for her. "Great, it's getting suspenseful, but it is quite fond," she replied, relishing in the opportunity to discuss her latest literary adventure.

Remus chuckled softly. "Who's the author?" he asked, prompting Iris to recall the name.

"I think it was Stephen King," she replied confidently.

"Sounds scary, and American," Remus remarked, a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Very American," Iris affirmed with a nod.

As the conversation shifted, Remus broached the topic of Mrs. Collins, their neighbor who watched over Iris during his full moons. "Are you fine with going to Mrs. Collins tomorrow?" he inquired, his concern evident in his tone.

Iris reassured him with a smile. "You always ask that, of course I am," she replied, grateful for his conscientiousness.

Remus sighed softly. "I know, love. I just like to make sure of things with you," he admitted, his gaze filled with affection.

Even amidst their mundane dinner conversation, Remus had a way of making Iris feel valued and loved. He had always prioritized her well-being, a stark contrast to his own upbringing marked by violence and neglect.

"Did you pack for Hogwarts yet?" Remus asked.

Iris paused in her tracks, definitely not. "Yeah!" She lied.

After dinner, as Iris retreated to her room, Remus couldn't help but smile. He knew her "yes" was likely a lie, I know you didn't darling

REMUS AND IRIS outside the door of Mrs. Collins' quaint cottage, patiently awaiting her welcome. Their contrasting figures, one tall and stoic, the other petite and youthful, painted a striking picture against the backdrop of the evening sky.

With a gentle creak, the wooden door swung open, revealing Mrs. Collins' cheerful countenance. Despite the slight hunch in her back and the silver strands peppering her hair, her eyes sparkled with warmth as she greeted them. Stepping forward, she enveloped Iris in a tight embrace, planting a kiss on her cheek as if they hadn't seen each other in years. "Oh, hello! Do come in!" she exclaimed, her voice laced with genuine affection.

Remus smiled fondly at his daughter, his eyes reflecting the deep bond they shared. "Be good, sweetheart," he murmured, pressing a tender kiss to her cheek before bidding her farewell. Iris returned the smile, a mixture of gratitude and sadness swirling in her chest as she crossed the threshold into Mrs. Collins' home.

The interior of the cottage was a familiar sight to Iris, its cozy ambiance providing a sense of comfort amidst the uncertainty of the outside world. The sage walls, adorned with sepia-toned photographs of Mrs. Collins' distant relatives, whispered tales of bygone days. The furniture, though slightly worn with age, exuded a timeless charm that made Iris feel right at home.

Taking a seat at the worn wooden table, Iris couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt gnawing at her insides. It was always difficult leaving her father behind, especially on nights like these when he would undergo his transformation. The thought of him enduring the pain and isolation of his condition weighed heavily on her heart.

Mrs. Collins' voice broke through her reverie, drawing her attention back to the present. "Are you looking forward to starting another year at Hogwarts?" she inquired, her eyes twinkling with curiosity.

Iris offered a tentative smile in response, her thoughts momentarily drifting to the challenges and adventures that awaited her at school. "Yes, very excited," she replied, though the apprehension that tinged her words betrayed her true feelings.

The conversation shifted to Iris's Hogwarts house, prompting Mrs. Collins to reminisce about her own days at Hogwarts as a Ravenclaw. Iris nodded along, a sense of camaraderie blossoming between them as they shared stories of their respective school experiences.

Their conversation soon turned to Remus, prompting Iris to offer a somewhat guarded response about his well-being. Mrs. Collins chuckled knowingly, her eyes twinkling with understanding as she gently probed for more information.

As they spoke, Iris couldn't help but admire Mrs. Collins' unwavering optimism and kindness. Despite the hardships she had faced in her own life, she radiated a sense of warmth and compassion that seemed to fill the room.

With a contented sigh, Mrs. Collins rose from her seat, her eyes alight with excitement as the aroma of freshly baked cookies wafted through the air. "Oh, goodness, smells like our cookies are done!" she exclaimed, her infectious enthusiasm contagious.

Cookies!! Iris LOVED cookies.

authors note: i am so tired omg! But first chapter yay. Longer chapters will be up but I just wanted to get this first chapter out.

i rlly hoped you enjoyed

-xx Ava

KARMA POLICE                   Harry PotterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora