Takeru's and Kengo are banned From Tenbi/Girls in Tenbi swim for Tim

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Haruko near rating: hey, it's me Haruko Shiria one of the members of Venus went on a date with Tim and she's a mega superstar and when I heard that she was on a date with him, I was not happy, but the rest of the members of Venus. I was so proud of them when they work together and try to stop us but she confessed her feelings to him, and I don't know everybody thinks I'm jealous, but I'm not I'm just glad it's over.

Time skip to the afternoon

We see Takeru And Kengo oh, trying to break in the girls locker room

Kengo: the moment is finally here we haven't had a chance like this since the physical now we have to act quickly before Mr buzz kill, catches us

Takeru: who is that again?

Kengo: your childhood friend, Tim drake, he caught us the last time and last time we got our butts kicked along because of Tim

Takeru: and Kodama

Kengo: dude that's normal but right now we have to do this right now and fast

Takeru: besides, we didn't come here about this element stuff we came here to see some hot chicks Naked Ladies

Kengo: Tim cannot stop us He may stop those multiple times but not today. I'm ready for this is you are

Takeru: hell yeah I'm excited already let's do it

Three hours earlier

We see all the boys of Tenbi having a meeting

Kengo: now listen up let me thank you bye coming today brave men we have a lot to discuss but now we should point to be issue at hand are you going to allow this injustice to go rampant in our school we are here to see ladies but there's a problem with that because they have a shield around them and that shield is Tim Drake how many times have the girls in the school called him the guardian angel we men have rights we have rights to see things they're not supposed to be seen and what pisses me off is Tim getting in our way men of Tenbi gentlemen are you going to allow this injustice slide to run rampant or are you going to do something about it gentlemen of Tenbi unite this time we are going to make a stand we can't let a guy like Tim Hogg, all the glory. He is the enemy of all the men come on man what do you say come on

Men: Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!

Takeru: what the heck? Where did everyone go? Where is the president?

In the void

Furan: is this his idea of keeping us safe I didn't know his Maken was strong enough to hold us all in here

Tomika: oh, come on, ladies Tim is just being a good boy by protecting us

Yan: I didn't need his help. I was fine by myself, but I don't mind being protected by a man who can keep his promises.

Azuki: to hell with this Tim let us out of here we can beat Takeru and Kengo's ass's

Haruko: you know them he'll try anything to see us doing inappropriate

Outside of the void

Male student: I don't get it there's no one here but us it's like all the women in the school just disappeared

Takeru: hey Kengo: you don't think this was caused by

Kengo frustrated: Tim what the heck is his problem he is being nothing but a goody, two shoes, scum bag. All I want is to see some boobies. Wait a minute maybe the girls are still here maybe they're hiding in the locker room

Back to right now

They climbed up the ladder to see if the girls were there, but no one was there

Takeru: so is anyone up there in the changing rooms hello

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