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Mastino della Scala had spotted Santiago and approached him, smiling and spreading his arms. "Welcome back, Capitano." The two men embraced like brothers.
A tingle crept up Yon's spine. Looking furtively, he saw Santiago's gaze fixed on him. His bicolored eye seemed to be flinging lightning bolts, an impression that was probably only caused by the flickering light of the candles. Still, Yon wished a hole would open up in the ground and swallow him.
"I am told that you have not suffered from boredom during my absence," Santiago remarked. "The traitors have been convicted and executed, I assume."
Mastino nodded. "Certainly. Come, let me introduce you to Ser Moreno. He was instrumental in uncovering the plot. Ser Apollo was able to recruit him to his familia."
Yon had no choice but to step forward. His throat felt parched, and so he confined himself to a silent bow.
Santiago eyed him incredulously. His gaze went from Yon to Mastino and back again. "This is the man who calls himself Yon Moreno ...? God."
"Yes, that is Ser Moreno," Micheletto interrupted him. "Ser Apollon considers him an important member of the familia."
Santiago seemed to want to retort something, but Micheletto looked at him unblinkingly until Santiago finally turned away and pressed his lips together grimly.
Yon would have liked to let out a relieved sigh, but he pulled himself together. He thanked Micheletto with a quick nod for the rescue and made sure he was out of Santiago's immediate reach.

Mastino's majordomo appeared, carrying with him the scent of spiced meat, melting cheese, olive oil, and warm bread, causing the guests' mouths to water. Mastino detached himself from the group of men and strolled over to his chief courtier, who spoke to him in hushed tones. Mastino looked around, spotted Yon, and beckoned him over. His sluggish, amused demeanor had disappeared.

"Come with me," he said curtly.

Yon followed him out into the corridor. They encountered one of the guards coming up the stairs, leading a young man who appeared frightened. Yon paused. The lad belonged to the household of the notary Eliodoro Galdi, whom Yon had become quite acquainted with in recent weeks.

"What has happened?" Mastino della Scala asked brusquely.

"Ser Galdi," the servant stuttered. "My master... he's... gone."

"What do you mean, gone? How did you come to this conclusion?"

"He had an appointment with an important client this evening, but he never showed up."

Mastino furrowed his brow. "It's unlike Ser Galdi to forget a business arrangement."

"His favorite boots are missing, but his cloak is here," the servant continued. "The door to his bedchamber is locked, suggesting that Ser Galdi went out. However, he usually leaves me a message about when I can expect him back. But there was nothing..."

"You can read?" Mastino asked. "Did Galdi teach you?"

"Yes, sir."

Mastino turned to Yon. "Well, my dear Yon, it seems you have your first task here. Find out what has happened to Ser Galdi."

"I'll take care of it," Yon said, relieved to escape the banquet.

Mastino made a approving gesture. "I expect your report," he said, and returned to the banquet hall.

Yon turned to the lad. "What is your name?" he asked.

"Benedetto, sir. Benedetto d'Angelo Venturelli."

"Good. Benedetto d'Angelo Venturelli. I will now ask you a series of questions, and please try to answer them as accurately as possible."

"Yes, sir."

"When was the last time you saw Messer Galdi?"

"That was last evening, sir. Ser Galdi mentioned that he planned to go out and that he wouldn't need my services anymore. He gave me some coins and said I could take the morning off until the next day."

"Was that unusual?"

"No, sir."

"So, you returned to Casa Galdi this morning. What happened then?"

"I let Ser Galdi's housekeeper in to start preparing lunch, and I went about my duties. I should have noticed then that the house was too quiet, but..." He shook his head.

"You didn't think much of it because Ser Galdi often loses track of time when he spends the night with a pretty lady, right?" Yon finished the sentence for him.

Benedetto nodded sheepishly, looking down at his shoes.

"Go on."

"However, Ser Galdi never misses an appointment with a client," Benedetto murmured. "When he didn't show up for the meal or his appointment, I grew worried. I searched the entire house, from the wine cellar to the attic. I knocked on his bedchamber door... well, more like pounded on it, but with no success." He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand. "Forgive me, sir, I... What do you think has happened?"

"I don't know," Yon shook his head and sighed.

"Come with me, sir. Please!" Benedetto pleaded.

Yon sent for soldiers and had Micheletto summoned. His intuition told him that he needed to prepare himself for an unpleasant surprise.

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