Chapter 3: Laughing fits and panic attacks

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Third person POV:

" C-can I be excused to the bathroom? " Dream asked quietly his voice cracking, and phil gives him a weird look but nods.

He walked over to a maid, asking them to show him to bathroom and as soon as the door closed behind him he slid down it and began sobbing into his arms. God he felt like an idiot.

They were so kind to him, and he repaid them by thinking they'd do something so terrible to him? He whimpered and whipped his eyes, God he was such a crybaby sometimes, it was so stupid and annoying.

He was acting like a baby, only kids cry. Boys aren't suppose to cry, he was embarrassing his father by crying. Taking a deep breath he whipped his eyes, put his mask back on and walked down the hall back towards the room.

Tommy immediately ran to him, pulling on his pants and putting his arms up to get picked up which dream complied too. He noticed a nervous tall boy in the corner, he had black and white split hair and seemed extremely nervous. " Hey tommy? " He whispered.

" Yeah? " Tommy replied and dream cocked his head to the boy he noticed. " Whats his name? " He asked and tommy rolled his eyes, and sighed dramatically as if dream asked him the most obvious thing. " Ranboo. " He replied. " why don't you go play with him? " Dream said and tommy whined.

" But I wanna be with you! What would I get out of it? " Tommy said dramatically and dream smirked. " I'll let you sleep with me in my room tonight if you play with him. " He said and tommy immediately had dream set him down and ran to the taller boy.

Clementine crawled over, and pulled on dreams black cargo pants before putting her arms up prompting dream to pick her up. She giggled and kicked her chubby little legs and reached for dreams face, causing the older to chuckle softly

He pulled her close so she was snuggled into dream's chest and she instantly used one hand to grab some of dream's hair, but thankfully he didn’t yank on it and just held it. While his other hand patted dream's face while he babbled.

Unbeknownst to him the others were watching closely to how he interacted with the kids, and realized why he was so popular with the kids in the village. Phil had a proud smile on his face as he watched dream interact with clementine.

At some point clementine and dream ended on the floor but now dream was playing with her on the carpet, doing the ‘this little piggy’ game on her toes (which she apparently loved more than anything) and each time he’d recite a line about a ‘piggy’ h’d wiggle one of her toes.

She was giggling and watching him with bright eyes, knowing when he got to the last piggy he’d tickle her feet. When he finally did she began to cackle and kick her legs, which made him laugh back because babies cackling is fucking hilarious.

Dream smiled and picked up the 9 month old, throwing her in the air and catching her before blowing raspberries into her stomach as she giggled happily and squirmed. Suddenly their was a loud crash and tubbo, tommy, and ranboo all began to cry loudly.

Dream cursed under his breath, putting clementine on his hip and ran towards the three boys who were now laying on the ground crying. He bent done and put down a scared clementine before helping tommy, tubbo, and ranboo to sit back up and checking for any injuries but not seeing any.

" WHAT HAPPENED!? " He shouted, frantically looking for any injuries on the three boys but instead they began to giggle, as if dream had said the most funniest thing ever, but he was genuinely terrified.

If any of them were hurt in his care, and phil felt like it he could be executed or worse exiled! " R-ranboo *laugh* and t-tommy*cackle* w-was *giggle* playing*deep breath because of laughing* around and *giggle* r-ran-*cackle* ranboo accidentally*giggle* teleported and fell on top of me and *laugh* tommy! " He said, laughing.

Dream just sighed in relief, thank fuck they were fine, he was so worried that if they had any mark he'd surely be punished, and even now theirs a small chance he will be punished for his actions.

To be continued...
Word count; 748

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2023 ⏰

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