🌈Chapter 2🏠

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It had been a few hours since Poppy and Howdy had stopped by to give their introductions and hello's. Currently I was sitting in front of a half painted canvas, depicting a painting of Howdy. His appearance gave me a lot of inspiration for this painting, so I got to painting it as soon as I could.

As I was just finishing up the third of his four legs on the canvas I heard a knock on my front door. That HAD to be Wally. I really hope it was. .

I stood up from my stool, walking through the living room to the front door and answering it. The one thing I remembered that Howdy said about Wally was that he had blue hair styled into a pompadour. In my peripheral vision WAS blue hair styled into a pompadour. I looked down so I was making eye contact with the person at my door.

Like Howdy had said, he had blue hair styled into a pompadour. His skin was also a light shade of yellow and he had a soft and calm look on his face. He was wearing a blue sweater with yellow trimming, with a white collared shirt underneath. He also had yellow, blue and red stripped pants.

After observing him for a moment I introduced myself. "Hey there, I'm    (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N). You must be Wally. Poppy and Howdy both told me about ya." I said excited I was finally getting to meet Wally.

"Hello, Neighbor. It's nice to meet you, also nice to hear you already know me by name!" He chuckled a bit at the end of his sentence. It kinda sound like he didn't really understand the concept of 'laughing', though. .

"Yeah, I've heard lots about you, especially from Howdy. As soon as I found out you were a painter I was ecstatic to meet you. I'm also a painter. But I also sketch from time to time."

His smile seemed to get bigger. "Oh it's great to hear we have another artist in this neighborhood!, I'd love to see some of your art! Can I?" He asked me, with a wide smile across his face.

I stepped to the side allowing him to come inside. "Sure come on in! I can show you my sketchbooks and some of my paintings. Including the painting I'm working on right now!"

Wally stepped inside, eager to see     (Y/N)'s art. He stood in the living room whilst (Y/N) went upstairs to gather some sketchbooks and previously filled canvases. Wally looked around the living space curiosity, his eyes almost immediately landing on the half painted painting of Howdy the caterpillar. He smiled to himself.

Wow. . He thought to himself. She's a great painter! That painting of Howdy looks great! I can't wait to see some of her other art. .

As he awaited her to come back down with the sketchbooks he looked around a bit more.. Her house seemed mostly modern. She had a nice large couch located in near the entrance to the living room, along with a nice oak wood coffee table to go with it, and facing the couch, mounted on the wall was a decently sized flat screen TV. He then turned his attention to the kitchen,  it was fairly normal as well, fridge, stove/oven, microwave, and a deep freezer.. He had also noticed that there was a nice bowl of shiny red apples sitting on the counter. He stared intensely at them, small bites mysteriously disappearing from one of the apples, and conveniently she had walked back down, all the while witnessing the horrific way Wally Darling consumed food. She finally spoke up, intrigued and confused,....

"What the fu-" 



I hope you all enjoyed this part and are ready for what's to come next, I hope you all have a great day/night. Please drink water-. (Ive heard some of you fanfiction readers tend to forget to do that-)

-🌈Mrs. Darling🏠

🌈Wally Darling x Fem!Artist!Reader🏠Where stories live. Discover now