Part 2.

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-Hey y/n!

-Oh hello, Hyunjin.

he interrupts your thoughts 💭

-So I've been meaning to tell you something..

-Oh really what is it?

-would you li- *takes a deep breath* so. would you like to be my girlfriend?

he asked fast.


-If you dont i will be okay with that but lets just keep our friendship.

-oh. no, no, no. Its not that!

-then what is it.

- its..a yes ..


- i would like to be your girlfriend!!

-are you being for real rn?

-yes. I surely am!

He smiles and then kissed you. He kissed you passionately. You froze for a second, but then you kissed him back. He broke the kiss and smiled at you. You smiled back and then he kissed your forehead.


-Sooo.... whats up with you and Hyunjin?

-uhm..i will tell you at home not rn.

- just say that you like him!

-I DO OK? and MAYBE i say MAYBE its more than that..

-What do you mean, MORE than that?

-let me just send a text.


*should i tell Chan about it?*

*about what?*

*our uh relationship*

*sure, anyway tomorrow i will tell Han about it as well, so.. yeah!!*

*Okay. Cause he kept asking me whats up with you.*


*now he's annoying?😘*



chan asked.

-well.. im in a relationship with hyunjin and..yes..

-and you are sorry about that?!

-well, not really i jus-

you were cut off by Chan.

-He is a gentleman, hot af, your bestfriend AND he knows everything that has to do with you.

-i know!! im in love with him for a year now.

-he was in love with you since elementary school.

he finished.


-yeah he told me. back then.

-but we were like..8!

-i know. I saw you guys together after school kissing. but i wanted YOU to tell me what's up.

-sorry for not telling you i just didn't know if it was a secret or not.

-its okay. Anyway go take a shower.

-Why? do i smell.

-You always smell you little brat! 

he throws a pillow at you 



                   THE NEXT MORNING:

-goodmorning, princess.

-what do you want chan?

-its not chan its hyunjin! You didn't recognize my voice!?!!

-ugh sorry baby my brain was still asleep!

You pull him by his collar and kissed him hard. You started sucking his lips. Hyunjin wasn't moving his lips or any other part of his body.

-You sure y/n??

- yeah im sure!

-ok! 😏

he started sucking your lips. He then took of his shirt and unbuttoned your pyjamas. He then started kissing your cheek, he then moved on to your neck leaving hickeys.

you then unbuttoned his pants. he throws away his pants and then does 'his job'. You guys were fully naked under the blanket of yours. 

You guys didn't go to school cause of your 'moment'.

Then you wake up and you realize you slept with the man of your dreams.

-oh shit! uhhh hyunjinn..

-yeah! yeah! what happened?

you wake him up.

-you need to leave!


-cause chan will come home soon from school.

-oh shoot i totally forgot about that!

-just put your clothes on, im not looking

-i dont mind.


-ok im ready!

he kissed you and left.

after when chan came...

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