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Jim's pov:

As the sun rose on the ship Hispaniola, the crew members were busy with their tasks, keeping the ship running smoothly. It was a normal morning, with lots of activity and everyone focused on their work.

While I was cleaning the table, I suddenly noticed Silver and Arrow leaving the kitchen. Silver had a cup in his right hand. They halted their steps and settled in a nearby corner, right beside me. Silver passed the cup to Arrow, which contained something inside.After Arrow drank it, he started feeling sick.

A few minutes later, Arrow's face got very pale. He felt sick and held his stomach, unable to keep it down. He started having convulsions, as his body tried to get rid of he drink.

Arrow's forehead started sweating. He bent over and his body kept shaking as he fought the urge to throw up.

The crew members nearby saw what was happening and rushed to help him. His friends, who had been working alongside him, rushed over, their eyes filled with concern. They tried to offer him comfort, but Arrow was in too much agony to respond.

He began vomiting, with it starting slowly and then getting worse. He threw up the food and drink he had in his stomach, and it splashed onto the ship's deck. Unfortunately for me, I just finished mopping ten minutes ago. Zed tried to argue with Silver, but Silver retorted:"I've seen you put live crabs in your mouth for fun lad, you can't tell me off."

His vomit smelled bitter and made his mouth taste bad. He kept throwing up, as his stomach was rejecting what he drank. The crew members tried comforting him, patting his back gently, and offering words of support.
Afterward, I spotted Raven hurrying to reach him, blood streaming from her ear.

Some time later, Arrow started feeling better and stopped throwing up. He felt weak and tired from the experience, so he leaned against the ship's deck where he suddenly lost consciousness and fainted. I walked towards his direction, as the crew members quickly took care of him, giving him water to drink and among the crowd, I noticed Frank wiping Arrow's face with a wet cloth.

Dr Livesey then appeared,together with him was Effie, who was with him as an apprentice. The doctor was striding purposefully towards the group. Without a word, he pushed his way through the crowd, his eyes fixed on Arrow's pale body.

"Move aside," he commanded, his voice strong and authoritative. "Arrow needs air."

The crew members hastily stepped back, making room for the doctor to do his work. Dr Livesey knelt beside Arrow, placing a hand on his forehead as he assessed his condition.

After a moment, the doctor turned to the crew members, his expression grave. "We need to get Arrow some help," he said, his voice low but urgent. "This is more serious than we thought."Effie clasped her hands, after hearing Dr Livesey's diagnosis.

The crew members silently nodded, their faces sober. No one had seen the doctor so serious before, and they knew that they had to act quickly if they wanted to save their friend's life.
With the help of several crew members, Dr. Livesey carefully transported Arrow to the ship's medical bay.

Friends. (treasure island 1988 oc fanfic) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt