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Hours had passed since Dr Livesey had quickly whisked Arrow away to the medical bay for treatment. The crew members on the Hispaniola had all been on edge, not knowing if their friend was going to make it through his sudden illness.

Finally, the word had come from the doctor that Arrow was stable and that he would likely make a full recovery. One by one, the crew members made their way to the medical bay to visit their friend, each one worried and anxious to see him.

Arrow layed still in his bed while his friends, the pirates, sat around him. Black dog kept a watchful eye on Arrow, as if willing him to awaken and join in the group again. Tom was busy comforting Alan, who had his face pressed into the blanket, his sobs shaking the bed.

Dick sat in a chair opposite the bed, lost in his own thoughts. He stared at the floor, his mind wandering through the events that had led to this moment. How had Arrow ended up like this? What could they have done differently to prevent it?

None of them had answers, only questions and grief. The room was filled with the weight of their sorrow, a palpable presence that seemed to suffocate even the air they breathed.

As the hours wore on, their spirits grew heavier still. The reality of what had happened was sinking in, and the knowledge that they might never see Arrow again was almost too much to bear.

But still they stayed by his side, each lost in their own thoughts and memories of their beloved friend. For as long as Arrow lay in that bed, they would remain with him, a testament to the bond of friendship that had bound them all together, even in the face of such tragedy.

The door of the medical bay, suddenly opened and Black dog, welcomed Arrow's friends with a smile. "Hey there fellas. Come on in." Black dog greeted them as they stepped into the room, their footsteps echoing on the wooden floor. The sudden noise made Tom and Dick raise their heads in surprise, their eyes landing on the newcomers. Raven saw Alan crying and quickly rushed towards his direction and hugged him, with Alan hugging his partner back, crying in his arms.

"Unfortunately, not all of us could... Get in here." Black dog continued, looking at the group. "The ship needed working hands, and the captain wouldn't allow us to go visit him." he paused for a moment and looked at Arrow, then spoke again, crossing his arms and looking back at Arrow's friends. "Luckily I have managed to get my work done earlier, and he eventually let me.I also took Tom, Alan, and Dick with me. These guys and Arrow are very close friends.Iʼd say as close as you all are with him."

Arrow's friends looked around the room, taking in their surroundings and the curious glances of the Tom and Dick,who were sitting next to Arrow's bed and Alan, who was still crying uncontrollably in Raven's arms. It was clear that they were the odd ones out in this group.

Anastasia drew a deep breath before speaking. "We just wanted to let you all know that we received a message from Doctor Livesey earlier. He said that Arrow is doing much better now."

The news brought a collective sigh of relief from the pirates, who had been worried sick about their friend. Alan then lifted his head up,whipping the tears from his eyes while smiling and hugging Raven tightly. "That's great to hear," Tom said, expressing the sentiments of everyone in the room.

Anastasia nodded in agreement. "Yes, it is. Doctor Livesey said that he's responding well to treatment, and he's hopeful that Arrow will make a full recovery."

A sense of gratitude and hope filled the air as they all took a moment to reflect on the good news. They knew that there was still a long road ahead, but knowing that Arrow was getting the care he needed was a comfort to them all.

But despite the fact that everyone in the room was relieved about Arrow's condition, no one in the room exchanged a word with each other. Silence remained in the room until
about half an hour later had passed, when Arrow's eyes opened slowly, and he blinked in confusion, struggling to get his bearings. His friends all leaned in, calling out his name in unison.

Arrow opened his eyes to an array of worried faces hovering over him. Anastasia, Zed,Rozza, they were all there, their eyes full of concern. He felt relieved to see them, even if he wasn't quite sure what had happened.

"Arrow, thank goodness you're awake! " Rozza said, tears pooling in her eyes. She rushed forward and hugged him tightly.

"What happened?" Arrow croaked, his throat dry from disuse.

Zed spoke up, frowning. "You threw up. Don't you remember?"

Arrow shook his head, trying to recall the events leading up to his collapse. But he couldn't remember anything after Silver handed him a cup with a drink in, and this was all he could remember.

There was a moment of silence before Arrow realized that there was one person that was missing.

"Where's.. Silver?..." Arrow questioned.

Anastasia hesitated before answering, exchanging concerned glances with the others. "He's.. Preparing dinner, most likely.He's around" she said evasively.

"Why are you all looking at each other like that?" Arrow asked sharply, sensing that they were hiding something.

Zed cleared his throat. "He hasn't been in here since we brought you in. He's been holed up in the kitchen, hasn't talked to anybody."

Arrow felt a pang of worry in his chest.
Something was wrong.

"I ...I need to talk to him," Arrow said, his tone firm. "Take me to the kitchen."Arrow said, sitting up in bed.

"Arrow, please don't." Rozza begged him, quickly stopping him by putting her hand on his shoulder. "You just woke up and you need to rest."

"But I," Arrow tried to reason with his friends.

Effie shook her head. "I'm sorry, Arrow, but Dr. Livesey told us that you mustn't get off the bed until you make a full recovery."

Arrow's frustration grew. He felt like he needed to see Silver. "But I need to see him. He's like a father to me."

His friends looked at each other, not knowing what to do. Finally, Andy spoke up. "Arrow, we're all worried about you. We want you to get better before you get out of bed."

Arrow nodded, understanding. "Okay, I guess you're right."

He lay back down on his pillow, his mind racing. Why had Silver disappeared? Was he okay?

"I just wish we knew where he was," Arrow said softly.

"We all do, Arrow," Effie said, placing a gentle hand on his arm. "But for now, you need to focus on getting better. Silver wouldn't want you to worry about him."

Arrow sighed, knowing Effie was right."That's fair." he replied, smiling at Effie, with her smiling back at him. He closed his eyes and tried to relax, but his mind kept wandering to Silver's whereabouts.

The room was silent as Arrow's friends sat around him, their hearts heavy with worry.

They stayed by his side for a while longer, until they left to let him rest. Hours passed, but Silver did not show up.

Friends. (treasure island 1988 oc fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now