North Chapter 1 / 6

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Daniel hadn't expected teaming up with Johnny to defeat Kreese to be easy, but he hadn't expected it to be this hard either.

They butted heads on almost everything; from the new Dojo name, to their training techniques, to the fact that Johnny shouted at their students, but mostly because he kept leaving empty Coors cans and bottles littered around the garden.

"Could you not drink in front of the students for five minutes?" Daniel asked.

"You told me I couldn't have beer inside," Johnny replied, then drained the last of his can. "So if you think about it, it's kinda your fault that I'm drinking in front of them."

"You spilled a bottle of Coors on my wooden floor and didn't clean it up," Daniel countered. "It was sticky for days."

"Maybe you should get a rug," Johnny said, as he crushed the can with one hand. "They soak that shit right up."

Then there was the time Johnny got into his second bar fight of the week, Miguel set up a GoFundMe to pay his hospital bill, and Daniel came up with an idea.

"No!" Johnny shouted, when Daniel had suggested adding Johnny to the LaRusso Autos staff, simply so he could get health insurance.

"Why not?" Daniel asked.

"I don't want your pity insurance, LaRusso," Johnny shouted.

"Pity insurance?" Daniel asked in exasperation. "You won't even have to do anything. I'll put you down as working a couple of hours a week, and if something breaks, maybe you can come fix it."

"I'm not gonna fix your toilets for you," Johnny snapped back. "I'll sort it out myself."

"Yeah, but think of all the bar fights you can get into without having to worry about the consequences," Daniel replied.

Johnny paused, then said, "Actually, that's a good point."

"Jesus, I was joking," Daniel said.

"OK, OK," Johnny said. "You can sign me up for that."

"I'll get the paperwork filled out today," Daniel said.

"OK," Johnny nodded, then he pointed a finger. "But this doesn't mean you're the boss of me."

"I can't take much more of this," Amanda said as Daniel finished describing in great detail every single thing Johnny had done wrong that day over dinner.

"I know," Daniel agreed. "He's literally the worst person I've ever met."

"I'm not talking about Johnny," Amanda said. "I'm talking about you."

"What?" Daniel asked, finally looking at her.

"You, Daniel," Amanda said. "All you do lately is complain about Johnny, and I can't take it any more!"

"But he's just so..." His voice trailed off.

"You knew exactly what he was like before you agreed to this, so you two need to find a way to get along before you end up sleeping in the dojo."

"What do you mean, sleeping in the dojo?" he asked, then it finally clicked in his head. "Oh."

It all came to a head the day that Amanda and Anthony showed up unexpectedly at the dojo, halfway through a class.

"Finally decided it's time to learn karate?" Daniel asked Anthony. "Well, good for you."

"Yeah," Anthony replied, then he pointed at Johnny. "I want him to teach me though, not you."

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