What Happened in Vegas...(Vexxieverse Series - Part 2)

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Readers - This is a supplemental kinky bundle of story that happens during Chapter 16 of Parallel. It could possibly stand alone on wobbly legs if you only want to read the naughty bits (which to be fair, is the majority of this story), but the actual story is from the first part of this series. 



"You're sure you want to do this?" Louis asked Harry one last time as he squeezed his hand.

Harry tore his eyes away from the flower drenched courtyard where they were about to be married. "I have never been more sure of anything in my life, Louis," he whispered, still in awe at the venue.

Louis had never given much thought about weddings since he had never planned on getting married, but that didn't mean he didn't have good taste. Money didn't hurt either. Just hours after Harry accidentally proposed, Louis started sending emails and making calls to have everything ready in less than 24 hours.

The courtyard was private and romantic. A canopy of trees covered the altar and foliage hugged the walls from all sides. Louis requested garlands of white flowers be dripping from the trees and spread all over the empty spaces in place of guests. Two thick palm trees framed the altar where the boys were all waiting for them with big smiles.

Louis grinned and said, "Alright love, then let's go get married," and they walked down the aisle together. Maybe some part of him should have been sad that they didn't have any blood relatives there, but Louis felt he had everyone he needed, right in front of him. As they walked, they looked at each of the boys, but Louis's eyes locked into Zayn's.

Zayn gave Louis a tearful smile and shook his head like he couldn't believe it was actually happening. Louis and Zayn had talked in depth about how they could never imagine getting married, yet here he was without an ounce of doubt. Louis gave Zayn a wink, which made Zayn laugh and lose one of the tears he was fighting so hard to keep in.

Louis would never remember all the chatter leading up to the vows. He barely remembered exchanging rings. All he remembered was staring into Harry's eyes and feeling like there was no one else there. The boys made fun of them for getting lost in each other like that so often, but it was their wedding, so Louis felt it was appropriate.

"I've been informed you've prepared your own vows?" the officiant said. She watched Louis and Harry with a softness, like she could tell they belonged together. Everyone could. Or maybe she just really liked the show.

Harry blushed happily and took a deep breath in. "Louis, I think I fell in love with you before I met you. I mean, most people do when they see you on TV, so maybe that part isn't so special. But then, when I met you in person, you consumed me. You're in my veins. You are a part of me. I could watch you for hours, the way you are with people. How you make them smile and feel special. How you make everyone feel safe and taken care of. I'd feel lucky to just be able to see you do that. But for some reason, you chose me and I'm still not sure it's real. But I am sure that I won't let you go, ever. I love you with every ounce of my being, and I can't wait to be your husband."

Louis wiped away Harry's tears and forced himself to not smother him with kisses (yet). "Harry, you fell into my life and turned everything upside down in the very best way. I'd given up on the idea of love or a happily ever after and then one day, you just strolled in with your curls and warmth and I gave in. I never give in. You can ask the boys. But I just knew, I've always known. I haven't shut up about you since I saw you at the table read and I don't think I will stop anytime soon. You've taught me how to trust, and I was sure that part of me was broken a long time ago. I know it won't always be easy ahead, but I'm sure it will be right. You make everything right. I love you, and I need you to say 'I Do' now because I can't stand not kissing you for very much longer."

What Happened in Vegas...Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz