Episode 4

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[Wonhwa's Point of View]

Today I was scheduled for a physical combat. I was there in the room waiting for the Trainor while doing a few pushups. It could be boring here without phone and internet to kill time. I wasn't addicted to social media but a little news of the world never hurt

He walked into the room, looked like he was late to style clothes because he came inside like a runway model. Wearing a teal channel silk shirt and pants with a channel brooch. The pay was good and he spent it all on clothes.

But how was he supposed to train me in those clothes?

"I am sure you know me by now," he said as a matter of fact

"Actually, I don't" I spoke when he stared at me in utter shock as I got up from the floor

"You're pretty dense to notice Jimin and not me, anyways, I am Kim Taehyung and you must remember me from now on" he said sternly.

I rolled my eyes, what a delusional psycho!

He peals off his shirt revealing a black tee shirt of saying Celine underneath. Yeah, that could work for a coach.

"Now let's see what you got" he spoke and without a waring started throwing punches at me

My first reflexes were to hit him but my rational brain pulled me back to play the naive lamb and get hit. UT took me all the power of my being to focus on meeting belated and not moving a muscle when I could smash him to the he ground but I needed to be weak.

Three punches is all it took before he stopped, we were already on the floor with him on top of me. He didn't even realise that he threw me to the ground.

I had a feeling Park Jimin could be watching over us. So I had to play weak, a translator shouldn't be trained with fighting skills. The shooting skills were already suspicious.

He got up and brushed the dust off of his clothes.

The door swangs open. It reveals a Park Jimin who seemed to ran here from the way he was panting.

"Taehyung? Why is she on the floor?" Jimin asks him, not even sparing a glance at me.

"Oh, well I wanted to see what level her skills were at so... " he started but was cut of by Jimin instead

"So you attacked her unannounced? Get out." he yells.

Wow, this was easier than I thought. Jimin assured my suspicions, he was, indeed watching me. I shouldn't have done the push ups though, that makes me look a bit not-nervous.

Jimin gave a hand in front of me to get up, his eyes ranking over my figure but he didn't seem like he was checking me out for his pleasure. He seemed to look for any possible injuries I could read at least that in a man.

" Really, Jimin, you're kicking me out for a girl? " Taehyung says with a an eye brow raised to a judging look. Anger radiated from him into the room, I could hear the glint of betrayal in his voice

"What you did doesn't align with our morals, we may be in the wrong but still we aren't given such liberties to hit a woman "Jimin says bitterly, I could sense maybe he wasn't just here for me and maybe I have triggered something in him.

After a while of Taehyung standing there silently, looking at everything in the room

" Just get out, I will train her myself "Jimin says again and this time Taehyung leaves for real

Park Jimin takes his coat off and keeps it on the bench


[Jimin's Point of View]

" When you're tied up like this" I says and hold both her hands this mine, a controlled but firm grip I apply. Her eyes never leaving mine, I following everything I say. "try to kick" I say

She complies, but her kick does only as much to hit my stomach lightly. She looked like she was trying but I really couldn't see her efforts.

"when you're kicking, squat a little before bouncing back with your kick so you can kick high" she hears me says and kick s a bit harder this time actually making my grip on her go loose.

"Just like that, the lower you dip, the higher your kick" I say. She nods

"now try to kick my hand" I say, raising my hand as much as to the same level as her head. She tries but fails.

"My hand" I repeat

She fails yet another time, again and again

"How?" She finally repeats, the frustration upon her nose. A drop of sweat rollers from he eyebrow.

"squat," I tell her as she obeyes my command

"Now jump but with your one leg kicking as high as you can in my direction" I say

She does as told, but her kick fails as she kicks higher than she could handle and ends up losing balance and falls on me. With her legs hooked in mine, I too lose my balance and fall behind with her on top of me.

I fall first and she falls on my chest. The smell of her barely-there perfume hits my nostril as I can smell of rose and sandalwood makes my heartbeat labor.

When she realizes what she did, her hands go on either sides of me to support her body. Her eyes stare at mine for a moment.

She didn't have the eyes of a vixen but her eyes didn't look innocent either. They looked like they were calling me do things....

She gets off of me before I even realise.

"Sorry," she mumbles looking down, as if embarrassed. It makes me amused how clueless she could be after literally pressing my buttons. I wipe the natural smirk off of my face before she sees.

I stood up

"You should be" I say to answer her sorry.

"Your can practise by yourself today" I say before leaving

I go to my room.

It was mid noon. I take a glass from my shelf and pour a bottle of Screaming Eagle's red wine for me. Sitting on my desk, I fetch the glass to my lips and my eyes plays back the look on her eyes.

It's funny how she acts so unaffected by me when I can see through her acts so well.

I take another sip and the bitterness of the aged grapes linger in my tongue. I open my laptop and see what she's been upto. She is still practicing the kicks.

I close the laptop again. It's been a while since I hit the gym. Today may be a good day.

I go to the gym in the 12th floor. I meet Jungkook who seemed to be immersed in pull-ups. I swear, at this point I am sure, he probably sleeps at the gym at night.

"Did you lose your way and end up here?" he asks seeing me with wide eyes, grinning like a kid

"I found your screws on the floor and followed the trail" I said taking the cable machine

Starting with my crunches.

"So, how is it, training her?" he asks looking at me

"Not too bad,"

"You know Taehyung was scoffing when he came here" he grinned

"Such a baby" I mumbled

"So, I see what you're upto"

"You do?" I laugh

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