chapter 1

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Chapter 1: The Unseen

The world is full of things that we cannot see. Forces that are beyond our comprehension, powers that we cannot control. The unseen is all around us, and yet we are blind to it.

For most people, the unseen is just a concept, a vague idea that they don't give much thought to. But for some, the unseen is a reality that they cannot escape.

Sophie was one of those people. She had always been able to sense things that others couldn't. She could feel the presence of something in the room, even when there was no one there. She could hear whispers in the wind, voices that no one else could hear. And she could see things that were not of this world.

Sophie had learned to keep her abilities hidden, to pretend that she was just like everyone else. But she knew that she was different, and that there was a reason why she could see the unseen.

One day, Sophie was walking home from school when she saw something that made her heart race. A figure, tall and dark, was standing at the end of the street. It was watching her, and she could feel its eyes on her.

Sophie tried to ignore it, to keep walking as if nothing was wrong. But the figure started to move towards her, and she knew that she had to run.

She sprinted down the street, her heart pounding in her chest. She could hear the figure behind her, its footsteps getting closer and closer.

Sophie turned a corner and ran into an alleyway. She looked around, trying to find a place to hide. But there was nowhere to go.

The figure appeared at the end of the alleyway, and Sophie could see it clearly now. It was not human, not even close. Its skin was black as coal, and its eyes glowed red in the darkness.

Sophie knew that she was in trouble. She had never seen anything like this before, and she didn't know what to do.

The figure started to move towards her, its long arms reaching out to grab her. Sophie closed her eyes, waiting for the inevitable.

But then, something strange happened. A bright light appeared, and the figure recoiled in fear. It disappeared into the darkness, leaving Sophie alone in the alleyway.

Sophie opened her eyes, trying to make sense of what she had just seen

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