Super Fun Guys

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Y/n's POV

"Morning," Walter greeted and entered the kitchen. "What's up?"

"We want to get out of this dump," Happy responded.

Walter laughed. "Well, that's not happening. All my funds have gone into my rocket and Megan's research."

"Hit up your billionaire pal Elia for some cash," Happy suggested.

"That's inappropriate," Walter countered. "I have an idea. Why don't you guys kick in? I'll give up equity in the company for an influx of cash."

"I just bought a '43 Harley Knucklehead that's roached. I am what you would call cash-poor," Happy declared.

"All my money is tied up in comic books," Sylvester put forth.

"Two words - race and track," Toby stated. And then everyone turned to me.

"Okay. No. Absolutely not," I oppose. "I'm not putting all of my money into this garage. I'll put in my piece if you guys put in yours."

"Come on, Y/n. Please," Toby begged. "It's not like you're spending it on yourself. Or anyone else."

"So because I'm single, and I don't have a hobby that I spend a majority of my cash on, I have to be the one to pay for everything?" I question. "Yeah, no thanks. And you know what? I have that small rooftop patio at my apartment that I almost never use, and I think today, after work, I'm gonna go buy some plants and make a garden there. Problem solved. Money gone."

"You're mean," Sylvester whined.

"Sounds like you guys could use an influx of cash," Katherine assumed. "I suppose I have good news then. Organized crime members in Kazakhstan have obtained a Soviet 1970s-era nuke. They are preparing to sell it tomorrow night to the highest bidder. Starting price - 20 million. And none of the potential buyers are our friends. Intel tracked the missile to an abandoned Soviet naval base on the Ishim River, containing 47 warehouses on 100 hectares. It's deserted, except for the occasional security patrol, but those guys are unarmed private contractors. We have no idea where the missile is on this base."

"So, you want the guys in the flea-infested garage to find it," Toby guessed. "That's fine. Our fee is $5 billion."

"Zip it," Cabe hissed. "Katherine?"

"Well, if Scorpion can use their tech skills to locate the building the warhead is being stored in, we can then send in a SEAL team from neighboring Kyrgyzstan to take down these sellers and disarm and confiscate this weaponry," Katherine explained.

"Soviet-era buildings were constructed with lead and concrete, so a Geiger counter or thermography won't help us find it," Happy noted.

"Yeah, you said the, uh, missile is from the '70s, so we're probably dealing with an R-400 Elbrus?" Walter predicted. "The Elbrus releases an electrical hum in the 40 kilohertz range."

"I could rig a sensor, like a tricked-out microphone that could pick it up," Happy proposed. "Won't get the exact building, but we can narrow it down to two or three. And then we can narrow it down from there, so logic dictates that whoever's hiding the missile will have a temporary security system in place until the sale is complete, most likely on a Wi-Fi transmitter."

"Well, if we build a strong Wi-Fi receiver and get it close enough to a cluster of suspected buildings, then the bounce-back of Wi-Fi signals can map out the negative space in the building like radar. And we can see a general shape of what's in the building via reading software on our laptops," Sylvester revealed.

"Okay, but how do we get the tech into Kazakhstan?" Paige asked. "Even a cursory profile at customs will show we're government contractors."

"You'll go in undercover as a film crew shooting behind-the-scenes DVD footage for a Hollywood production in Kazakhstan for the tax breaks," Katherine answered. "Here's the dossiers. And they contain information on the film production and on your new identities."

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