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Hello! I haven't done this in awhile, so please forgive me if something does not add up. I will try my best to get the script together. I have graduated high school this year!! Wow, I remember writing fanfics in middle school and here I am about to start college. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this Akakuro story!!
   Kuroko Tetsuya was always alone when he was young, not because he didn't like to socialize. It was because others never noticed his presence; therefore, many people would get a jump scare when he would say something. During middle school, Kuroko had joined the basketball team. Kuroko managed to befriend some people who were: Aomine Daiki, Kise Ryōuta, Midorima Shintarō, Murasakibara Atsushi, and last of all Akashi Seijuro. Together all of them were called the Generation of Miracles since they would destroy the opposing teams. Kuroko became known as the phantom sixth member of the Generation of Miracles because of his low presence, no one ever really noticed him to take his interview. Kuroko had gotten close to Aomine Daiki and became his shadow as Aomine was his light. Aomine had a childhood friend named Momoi Satsuki, who came to like Kuroko due to an ice cream winner stick.
    Despite Akashi Seijuro being called the Emperor, Kuroko Tetsuya did not care if Akashi would take control of things. They had spent many outings together alone, so Kuroko came to like Akashi despite his shortcomings. It was towards the middle of the last year of middle school that Akashi had made a move on Kuroko to change their relationship status. They were so happy and in love while Momoi would look sadly on the side that the crush she had was gay. Aomine would make fun of her since that was how he always was. Unfortunately as the third year of middle school came to an end, Kuroko noticed that playing basketball with the others was not fun anymore as they didn't care about enjoying the game and focused on winning.
   Kuroko Tetsuya had decided that he wanted to go to a different high school even though he wanted to be with Akashi Seijuro. They decided to break it off despite being so in love... Kuroko met Kagami Taiga during his first year at Seirin High School and had adopted a dog named Nigou.
   During their first year at their own schools they met again. This time they were against each other. The connection was still there and they kept their gaze on each other.
   Seeing each other again, Kuroko felt his heart light up again like a dying fire became alive again. Akashi and Kuroko began to get closer again after their match and had finally gotten back together.
   Now that they're in college, they had moved in together. Akashi had taken over his father's company and assets as his father passed away during their first year of college. He had many responsibilities to do, while also being a great boyfriend to Kuroko. Kuroko had many lonely nights since Akashi would be at the company headquarters. Akashi would return late at night and this had made Kuroko start to second guess his relationship with Akashi. Could Akashi be cheating on him with others? Kuroko knew deep inside that Akashi was just working late on company matters, but smelling the perfume on his work clothes just planted seeds of doubt into his heart.
   During the third year of college, Akashi became grouchy and verbally abusive to Kuroko. There was no apparent reason for him to come to dislike Kuroko, so Kuroko pondered about why and when Akashi started acting distant with him. They had been madly in love with each other for so long, but it felt like things changed after Akashi's father had died.

~ Present Time ~ Third Person POV ~

  Today was the day, that Kuroko Tetsuya was going to go confront Akashi Seijuro about his current behavior. He couldn't wait till Akashi would get home which would be around 2am normally. Kuroko decided to go to Akashi's company to drop off his dinner while confronting him. Kuroko put on his best suit to meet Akashi, as this could be their last time or a memorable moment for the two of them. Kuroko had made some of Akashi's favorite food and hoped that things would go well, instead of tears and pain.
   As Kuroko arrived at the company's headquarters, there were two tall and buff men guarding the entrance. Fortunately Kuroko had low presence and they did not see him go inside. Kuroko swiftly made his way to Akashi's office and stood in front of the two large doors. Kuroko's hands began to shake while he was about to knock on the door. Kuroko took a couple heavy breaths to calm himself down before knocking on the Emperor's door.

"It'll be okay. I don't have to doubt anything because he loves me.. He just lost his way that's way he's being different..." Kuroko thought to reassure himself. He knew Akashi Seijuro for so long.

  After knocking the first two times, there was only silence. So, Kuroko knocked on the door again for the third time. This time there was a loud bang coming from the inside. The door was suddenly pushed opened and out came a shirtless infuriated Akashi with love bites on his neck. "I TOLD YOU GUYS TO LEAVE ME ALONE AFTER 6PM," shouted Akashi. He had not noticed Kuroko since he was short. Seeing nobody there, Akashi looked down to see the wide opened eyes Kuroko. Akashi slammed the door quickly to tidy himself up.
   Kuroko couldn't believe his eyes, he didn't want to believe in what he was seeing. He knew the love bites on Akashi was not from him as they haven't touched each other in so long. The lunch bag Kuroko was holding that contained Akashi's favorites dropped to the floor. It created a loud crash as the hall and room were silent. The blood rushed to Kuroko's head and he was overcame with betrayal and sadness. He didn't feel mad, how could he ever be mad at Akashi when he loved him so much? Kuroko dropped to the floors and had tears drop from his eyes slowly. He had expected this already, but for it to be seen with his own eyes... Kuroko got up and ran to the stairs and out of the company's building.
   Akashi felt panic in his chest and began to breathe heavily. These things on his body aren't what Kuroko will probably think they are. Though, he did have people come in and out of his office at night to comfort him as he didn't want to bother the tired Kuroko at night for the past year. Akashi had been unfaithful to Kuroko and never told him about it, but he never lost feelings for Kuroko. Though Kuroko would not understand where Akashi would come from. By the time Akashi had reopened the door, Kuroko was long gone and all that was left outside his door was the messed up lunch bag Kuroko brought.
   Akashi felt deep regret, but still had things to get injects in his body to suppress his disease. The marks on his body was from the injections bruising on his body. He decided that he would explain everything to Kuroko later when he got home.


   Kuroko had tears streaming from his eyes but he couldn't make a sound as he ran to the crosswalk. He waited for the green signal for pedestrians to walk. While waiting, Kuroko had gotten lost in his thoughts thinking about how Akashi would betray him so easily like their nine years meant nothing. The pedestrian green light had been green for a long time, and finally Kuroko snapped out of it and began to cross. By the time Kuroko was half way on the crosswalk, the light turned red for pedestrians. All Kuroko could hear was a loud horn, he had no energy to look towards the horn. He felt emotionally damaged, like he had nothing left.

Then it happened....


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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